You For Eternity

Chapter 632: Everything is destined (3)

No matter how calm, when she heard that Qianyi was not Tongtong's son, most people would not react like this!

Her eyebrows frowned, but she was surprised and asked, "Don't you... already know?"

"what do you know?"

"Qianyi..." At this moment, Chu Chu got stuck.

Because of his reaction, he was shocked for a while, not knowing how to continue the topic.

Li Hengzhi turned around and looked at Aunt Li: "Qianyi."

"Papa!" Qianyi jumped from Aunt Li's arms, walked towards Li Hengzhi, and was held in his arms by him.

With this shout, not only Uncle Li and Aunt Li were stunned, Chu Chu opened his mouth unconsciously.

She knew that Qianyi's voice was different from before...

Chu Chu looked at Li Hengzhi, then at Qianyi: "You..."

Qianyi smiled: "Mommy, I'm sorry, you taught me, a man who can bend and stretch."

Li Hengzhi hugged Qianyi, touched his face, and said to Chu Chu: "It's my son, like me."

Uncle Li and Aunt Li were dumbfounded, and couldn't figure out what was going on for a while.

"Qianyi!!" Chu Chu glared when he understood.

Qianyi leaned in Li Hengzhi’s arms, playing with her fingers, and said, “Mommy, I’ve already said that Dad is so smarter than you can hide from him. Let you confess earlier and try to deal with it leniently. Don’t listen, it’s all right now, things are revealed, ╮(╯▽╰)╭I can’t help you."

Qianyi's remarks were flattered and made together, and he was completely clean.

Chu Chu was so shocked that his jaw dropped, 囧! Baby when did you say it!

"I didn't teach you to hold your thighs and sell me along..." When the matter was over, Chu Chu had to obediently put the pot on the back and looked at Li Hengzhi weakly, "I was wrong..."

She didn't understand until this second! Why did he suddenly explode with great power a few days ago! Dare to know that day...

It's a smiling tiger, and he said he was not punishing her!

Li Hengzhi turned Qianyi around and faced Uncle Li and Aunt Li: "Uncle and Aunt Li, let me introduce you. This is my son, Qianyi."


What "my son!", our son, we!

"Uncle, grandpa, and grandma!" Qianyi yelled obediently, "I'm sorry, I just told my dad to match Uncle Tianyou and Mother Tongtong."

"Qianyi...isn't Tongtong's child?" Aunt Li's tone, on the contrary, heard a little disappointed, "Oh...what a pity! I thought I could hold a grandson for nothing."

Li Hengzhi said: "Auntie, don't worry, if the two of them become successful, are you afraid that they won't have a grandson?"

"That's true!" Aunt Li nodded, "Then... God knows? Qianyi..."

"I think, he knows." Li Hengzhi guessed and glanced at Chu Chu.

Chu Chu nodded: "Um... he knows... help me hide..."

God, sorry, I also defected first!

"Then... Then what's going on? I'm confused for you all..."

"I didn't understand either." Uncle Li had just been struggling with the relationship.

Li Hengzhi didn't intend to elaborate, but said: "Anyway, now the truth becomes clear, so don't pursue it."



"Then if Tongtong's mother is married to Uncle Tianyou, should I call Uncle Tianyou the father, or should I call the mother Tongtong cousin and aunt?"

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