You For Eternity

Chapter 639: Everything is destined (10)

Gu Tong reacted quickly and immediately followed suit. When the elevator suddenly descended rapidly, Li Tianyou quickly pressed the buttons on each floor.

Gu Tong closed his eyes and felt the terrifying fall of these few seconds.

Fortunately, Li Tianyou responded promptly. After turning on the emergency power supply system, the elevator stopped on the third floor, and the elevator returned to light.

Gu Tong, who was leaning against the inner wall, took a few breaths, looked around and held his breath.

"Ding—" The elevator door opened, and the two of them breathed a sigh of relief.

Gu Tong was even escaping from the dead. He sat on the ground prostration and let out a long sigh of relief: "Damn... scared me to death... I thought I was going to die..."

Falling from such a high place, they will be crushed!

Although I did the best posture for the first time, but falling so high is also awkward!

"What are you doing--" Gu Tong suddenly shouted, eyes widening.

"Go home?" Li Tianyou asked.

"No, no..." Gu Tong shook his head, "I won't take the elevator anymore. I'm psychologically overwhelmed! I have to climb too!"

Gu Tong grabbed the handrail and tried to get up, but as soon as he got up, his body became weak, and his face was crying. Damn... his legs were weak!

Li Tianyou went over, helped her out of the elevator, and laughed helplessly: "If you don't see it, you are still afraid."

Gu Tong is the kind of person who makes people think that she is not afraid, but in fact, before today, she herself thought so.


It's always persuaded!

She also didn't expect that she was so awkward, before she almost died, she was so frightened that her legs became weak.

Li Tianyou looked at the current floor and sighed, there was nothing he could do...

He squatted down and motioned to her: "Come up."

" need...I'm slow, I can walk by myself, I'm not so charming."

Gu Tong certainly refused to let him carry it.

I'm so embarrassed, how can I let people carry it on?

Gu Tong waved his hand, holding on to the wall to walk by himself, but after a step, his feet softened. Before falling, one hand clasped her waist.

Li Tianyou staggered for a few steps before stabilizing, and the two looked at each other for a second, and Gu Tong immediately looked away.

"Who said that people are so cute? You're not so simple and neat, you are such a mother-in-law today." After saying that, Li Tianyou directly hugged her up, without saying anything, and started climbing the stairs.

Gu Tong widened his eyes.

Where did she grow up so that the opposite **** hugged this way? !

Li Tianyou hugged her quite easily, and Gu Tong was not heavy, so he easily climbed a few floors.

"In the situation just now, let alone girls, they don't have a certain psychological quality, and men are also frightened with weak legs. There is nothing to be ashamed of. But... now we are also considered close to life and death?"

When Li Tianyou said this, he glanced down and met Gu Tong's eyes.

When the power supply was just restored, her face was actually pale, but at this moment, she turned a little red.

I didn't feel embarrassed at first, but after looking at it for several seconds, both of them were speechless.

Li Tianyou turned away abruptly.

Gu Tong saw that he was also struggling, " better carry me..."

At least you don’t have to look at each other!

So embarrassing!

"...Forget it."

Climbing to the residential floor, Li Tianyou couldn't stand it no matter how strong his body was. He was so tired and sweaty that he kicked the door weakly with his feet.

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