You For Eternity

Chapter 640: Everything is destined [monthly ticket plus more]

"Mom—open the door—"

"What are you calling, there is no doorbell?" Aunt Li was in the living room, of course she could hear her, and she went to open the door immediately.

Gu Tong reacted all of a sudden and patted him: "Let me down quickly!"

It's too late!

As soon as Aunt Li opened the door, everyone inside looked over and saw that Li Tianyou was sweaty and his face was a little red. Gu Tong didn’t know where to put his face in his arms for a while. The old face turned around with embarrassment, covering his face and leaning against Li Tianyou's arms.

"Oh..." Aunt Li didn't know the situation, she was happy when she saw it, "What are you doing here?"

Not only Aunt Li, but no one in the room figured out the situation, so they gloated.

Li Tianyou stood and walked a few steps forward, and rolled his eyes towards the ceiling: "Mom, you are still in a good mood, you are almost going to collect the body of your son for me!"

Aunt Li patted him: "What nonsense!"

Li Tianyou frowned, "Don't move, it hurts."

It doesn't look right.

"What's the matter?" This was really concerned.

Chu Chu also hurriedly stood up, gave up his position, and asked Li Tianyou to put Gu Tong on the sofa, so that he had time to stretch his bones.

Although the elevator stopped, but the high floor quickly landed and stopped at once. Although there was no injury, the shock at that moment still made the body a little uncomfortable. In addition, he climbed so many floors holding Gu Tong.

"Just now the elevator descended suddenly, if God blessed the quick response and pressed each floor over, we might have fallen to death." Gu Tong explained.

Everyone then understood, and became afraid.

"I told her, don't hope you will come to us, we are really dead, and you have to find out tomorrow!" Li Tianyou turned his arms.

But it's not...Chu Chuyu, the group of them are still sitting here and chatting very happily. They have no idea what they two experienced.

"Bah, baah!" Aunt Li slapped him away, "Tong Tong was not injured, right?"

Li Tianyou stared, "Mom, your son is here."

"Aren't you okay? Don't be hypocritical! Tongtong's face is so pale, do you want to send it to the hospital for examination?"

Li Tianyou thought to himself, Ke Ke, fortunately, this Gu Tong is not his daughter-in-law. He is already like this for a daughter-in-law who has not become a daughter-in-law. There is no place for him at home!

"I'm okay, Auntie..." Even though she was embarrassed, she still had to admit it, "It's just scared that her legs are weak... It hasn't been relieved yet."

"Puff......" Chu Chu also let out a sigh of relief and laughed when he knew they were no time.

Tong Tong is sometimes afraid!

Gu Tong was shocked, and after a long time he was still pale, and even felt a little nauseous to vomit after a while. Uncle Li said that he didn't need to go to the hospital because he was frightened and collapsed.

Under such circumstances, Aunt Li's proposal to keep Gu Tong for one night turned out to be true.

Although Gu Tong wanted to refuse, he was really uncomfortable and had to trouble the Li family.

Li Hengzhi took Chu Chu and Qianyi home.

Qianyi leaned on the child seat and fell asleep. Chu Chu thought about what happened just now and was scared and amused: "Suddenly I think that Tongtong can cure Tongtong, and God can cure Tongtong... I didn't. Have seen Tong Tong be so good!"

"Waiting to drink Xi Bar, this is going well." Li Hengzhi is also very optimistic about Gu Tong and Li Tianyou.

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