You For Eternity

Chapter 662: Reincarnation is a technical job (6)


Hearing these two words from his son, Li Hengzhi felt it was worth it.

His hand touched the back of Qianyi’s head, “Son, if you accept everything I give you, it doesn’t mean that you will not be better than me. I always know that my son is great, and he will definitely surpass what I have in the future. Achievements. It’s not easy to start from scratch. I know we can do it in the future, but since there is a faster way, why not accept it? You can use the time saved to do more what."

Li Hengzhi enlightened him.

Originally, this shouldn't be something they should talk about at this time. Qianyi is just how old, but his son is a precocious and gifted child. What can be done?

As the father of a gifted child, he said he was also very upset.

Sure enough, Qianyi seemed thoughtful when he listened to him, as if it made sense...

Seeing this, Li Hengzhi rubbed him again: "I am your father. You can accept anything I give you. That is what I want, or you can treat it as my early investment in you. Dad is old and can't make money anymore, you come to support me and give me double back, how about?"

Qianyi suddenly enlightened, and her beautiful star eyes smiled and said, "Okay, return you three times."

"Ambitious." Li Hengzhi also laughed.

Speeding up his hand, restored the Rubik's Cube and put it in Qianyi's hands. Li Hengzhi took Qianyi into his arms and looked at him face to face.

"Son, you said that I am your idol, but you don't know, you are my pride. I am proud of having a son like you."

Qianyi's face turned red all of a sudden, "What are you doing..."

Turn around awkwardly and look elsewhere, why do you praise him like that!

"I used to hear you say you want to raise the big idiot in the family, I think you are a particularly good and sensible child, but son, now I have me, and I am your father. Leave the support of the family to me, and you, just stay with me Your mom talks and plays games, and you two are responsible for spending money, understand?"

Qianyi lowered his head, looked at the Rubik's Cube and didn't speak.

Qianyi, who is not used to the current mode of getting along, feels embarrassed!

Although Qianyi is cool, but sometimes a little shy, he is not used to the life after he has a father, especially this kind of father-son conversation time that he has never had before.

He has a father, and like other children, he has a complete family.

One of Li Heng picked up Qianyi and walked to the children's room.

The children’s room is still very empty. Li Hengzhi turned his head and took a look, and said, “Tomorrow we will go to the furniture store and buy everything that needs to be bought. From now on, this will be your own small world. What do you like to put in? Think about it."

This is not a children's room, but when Qianyi is here, it will be.

Qianyi lay on the bed, looked around, looked at Li Hengzhi and said, "Is it all right to have money?"

One room is bigger than Tongtong's mother's small apartment.

Li Hengzhi smiled: "Yeah, who made you have a very rich father? Reincarnation is a technical job. Congratulations to your Qianyi baby for investing in our house."

"Um..." Qianyi blinked her eyes, making sense...

Li Hengzhi lowered and kissed his forehead: "Good night son."

Qianyi covered the quilt, and from the quilt came a muffled voice: "Good night Dad..."

Li Hengzhi brought the door to the door, smiling across his eyes.


Recently, the pressure is too high, the body is uncomfortable, the state is very bad, and I don’t want to mess around, so I reduced the update in advance, and it will be six to eight chapters in the future. There will be an explosion in the future, but the specific explosion time is unknown, I will notify in advance of

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