You For Eternity

Chapter 663: A harmonious family of three (1)

Chu Chu woke up early in the morning, but Li Hengzhi was still asleep. He seemed to deal with official business late last night.

It has been like this recently. Even if I get off work very early, I will plunge into the study when I get home. It makes Chu Chu feel very hard watching it.

So she didn't wake him up when she woke up, lying with her back to him in his arms, quietly took the phone over and swiped on Weibo.

Thousands of things can be said to keep the two of them hot to be discussed. Except for some keyboard man who usually likes to curse people, most people like Qianyi very much.

In this age of looking at faces, it is not difficult for Qianyi to quickly occupy the headlines.

Since then, Chu Chu's Weibo has either asked Li Hengzhi to open Weibo, or asked Qianyi to open Weibo.

The lyrics are right, the unreachable will always be in a commotion, and the favored will have no fear.

But soon, a great **** drove the people of Chu Chu's attention one by one, and found one of the users with the ID named "Little Master hasn't been in the rivers and lakes for many years" through the scenes next to the houses taken daily.

Chu Chu broke his glasses immediately.

Because that is indeed Qianyi!

Qianyi doesn't usually post on Weibo, but occasionally goes to play and posts some surrounding scenery. Because no one is paying attention, it is treated as a network disk, and it is just recorded bit by bit.

In this way, the two people didn't have a picture together, and they could pick it up. Is it Qianyi? ?

There is also a great **** who said that the shooting angle is very low, and the lens is very similar to the field of view of a child. Generally, adults cannot produce this effect. Sometimes one can understand it, but it can't be like this, right?

In short, I was very admired, as if everyone was Sherlock Holmes, and I could discover the clues from various small details.

She felt more and more that she had to be careful about sending things in the future.

However, this incident was not without gains. The photos PO went online, and she also selected a lot of them to save. There are Qianyi alone, she and Li Hengzhi, she and Qianyi, Qianyi and Li Hengzhi, and moreover, there are three people together.

The effects of the photos are different at different shooting angles, but a few of them are taken very well.

Chu Chu has been watching one of the best shots, and if you look at it, the corners of your mouth will still twitch.

Is this their family portrait? Same frame for the first time?

Li Hengzhi's hand was raised from below, and it fell on her shoulder, with a hoarse voice: "Are you so happy?"

Chu Chu was taken aback, then turned to look at him: "How do you know I am happy?"

His slender finger clicked on the screen, and the black part reflected her face: "I saw it all."

There is nothing to hide. She turned back to look at the photo and said: "The three of us have never appeared under the same lens, so I think this photo is very precious. Let's wash it out? Hang it in the living room.

"Okay." Li Hengzhi nodded and leaned forward, his chin just pressed against her head, smelling the fragrance of her hair. With a bit of laziness, he made a single tone.

They didn't take a picture together, because the time he and Qianyi met was still very short, and they never thought of it, but it was a reminder.

"Next day, let's take a family portrait formally. How about designing a photo wall in the living room?"

"Um..." Chu Chu shook his head and said, "I don't think it's good, it's too rigid. Let's take pictures of life?"

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