You For Eternity

Chapter 664: A harmonious family of three (2)

The idea of ​​a photo wall is good. She thinks about the size of the living room. It would be great to have a wall full of the bits and pieces of their lives.

The more I thought about it, the better, Chu Chu turned over with the phone, supported her body with her elbow, pointed to the photo in the phone and said, "That's it, the most casual and natural moment."

"Okay," Li Hengzhi said, and hugged her. "I will have breakfast later, and I will take Qianyi to the furniture store, pick and choose, and see what else is left in his room."

"Okay, don't worry, there is a black card. I will not swipe it softly. It is rare that I don't need to look at the price. I will definitely buy back everything I need!"

"Have I said I'm not going anymore?"

"Huh? You're not going to the company?"

"Take care of all the important things last night, and spare a day to go shopping with you mother and son."

It turns out...that's why I worked overtime.

The two got up and found that Qianyi was already sitting at the table drinking milk and eating toast.

"Qianyi, why did you get up so early? You also made breakfast yourself."

Li Hengzhi frowned downstairs.

Generally, for a child his age, who would prepare breakfast by himself?

That is to say, the children of single-parent families are sensible early, knowing to reduce the burden for their mothers, and learn to do everything by themselves early.

Thinking of this, Li Hengzhi became more regretful.

If he hadn't used the laissez-faire policy, he would not recognize his son now.

He sat next to Qianyi and touched his head: "Good morning son."


He should have given Qianyi the best life, without him having to endure so much hardship.

"Dad is early, mother is early." Qianyi greeted her obediently after taking a sip of milk.

"Morning, baby." Chu Chu, who was too late, sat down opposite their father and son, and Li Hengzhi had already prepared her breakfast together.

"Why do I get down by myself when I wake up?"

Qianyi sometimes makes her feel so independent and sensible.

But Qianyi himself didn't think there was anything bad about being independent, so he replied indifferently, "Because I'm hungry, I went down to find something to eat."

"Baby, next time you are hungry, come and knock on the door. Mom thought you were still asleep."

There was no need to go to the Children's Palace today, nor did the two of them go to work. They didn't hear any movement outside, so they lay in bed for a while and didn't get up immediately.

If they knew that Qianyi was already awake, they would also get up early.

Qianyi's eyes narrowed: "Oh, isn't it?"

"What's wrong with this?" Li Hengzhi asked, not sure where his son felt bad.

Qianyi ate her breakfast and said slowly, "Mother Tongtong said that if you are still sleeping, don't disturb you. You are either doing very important things, or after you have done important things. I need a good rest, so I better not call you guys."

Chu Chu & Li Hengzhi: "..."

This Tongtong! What nonsense to the child!

Chu Chu looked embarrassed, before he could answer, Qianyi asked ignorantly: "But Dad, is there anything in the room? Why can I do important things? Even my head can't understand it, so sad ..."

"Uh..." Rao was Li Hengzhi, and he never thought about how to answer children's questions, "Son, this question will be discussed with you when you grow up."

"I've grown up."

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