You For Eternity

Chapter 668: A harmonious family of three (6)

In her life, she has a connection with the Thousand Family, and she is inseparable from Liu Hui and her mother and daughter.

But it doesn't matter, she and Qianyi live in Xiangshuiwan, and they only go home once in a while, and they can't meet them. After so many years, it's not bad for the future.

Anyway, on the surface, it's fine, and Qianjia is peaceful, so she is relieved.

"Qianyi, they are your little grandma and aunt."

Qian nodded, indicating that I knew it.

He is so smart, you don't need to teach you all.


In the evening, Qian Chenghai returned home early and ordered someone to prepare dinner early in the morning. How could he neglect his daughter and son-in-law to come back?

Chu Chu untied the seat belt, turned his head to look at Li Hengzhi and said, "I still don't change my mouth today? I want to change my mouth, but my mother-in-law is not happy. We are so funny, on the contrary."

"Don't take it to heart," he said about his mother, and then answered her, "I need some time, let it be."

"Well, I just said it casually. Feel free to do it. My dad doesn't care about it. Besides, he is not used to it. You two slowly get used to it."

Chu Chu said so, but he was a little suspicious in his heart.

He has been unable to change his mouth... Is it related to his own father?

She seems to have never heard the term "dad" or "mother" in his mouth, and has always been formal written words such as "father" and "mother".


She only met his father five years ago, but she was very impressed. She didn't feel like an ordinary family like them, but rather like a very strict family education, a bit like the feeling of... .

So she guessed that she was more particular about certain rules.

"Well, you go in first, and I'll go shopping."

"No need? Come here for the second time, and buy gifts?"

"Yes, this time it's bringing Qianyi here, which is of great significance."

"Well then, we'll go in first. Thousand-ones are gone."

Chu Chu hugged Qianyi out and took his hand in.

Mother Wu came out to open the door, her eyes widened when she saw Qianyi: "Miss...this is..."

Chu Chubi said silently, "Shhh, it's a surprise to dad. Is my dad in it?"

"Master sees that you haven't come back, go out to buy something, and come back soon," Wu Ma finished speaking, looking at Qianyi, ecstatic, "Miss, isn't this the young master?"

Chu Chu nodded.

"Oh my god! When did you have a young master? If this master knows, he should be so happy!"

Wu Ma was still busy in the kitchen, and Chu Chu went in to help. Qianyi sat in the living room alone, with the model car on the coffee table, looking at everything around him.

This is the first time he has come to Grandpa's house and feels that everything is very strange.

Hmm... Grandpa would like him, right?

"Why are they here again, Mommy, I don't want to see her!"

"Just bear it, and only come back once in half a month. We can't be the master of this house."

"It must be back to show off again!"

Liu Hui and Qian Churui came in chatting, "Why aren't there alone?"

"Mummy! Who is that!"

The two looked over, and there was a small Zhengtai sitting on the sofa, four or five years old, and she couldn't tell who she looked like, but the blue eyes were very eye-catching.

The two walked over and looked at them weirdly: "This kid, why are you in our house?"

"Good grandma, good aunt!"

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