You For Eternity

Chapter 669: At your own risk, or apologize (1)

Little grandma? Aunt?

Liu Hui and Qian Churui looked at the child in front of them, and suddenly they couldn't react.

Qianyi greeted him politely and smiled, but the two of them didn't respond, and Qianyi didn't care about it, picking up the model car on the table and playing.

Qian Churui suddenly remembered something, and pulled Liu Hui over and whispered a few words in a whisper: "Mommy... last time she told me that her child is four years old, and I thought she was angry about me... …It seems to be real, is it this kid..."

Liu Hui and Qian Churui went to the hospital to visit Xiao Yuanhang in the past two days. They are not interested in Weibo. They still don't know the story of Li Heng's family of three.

Both saw Qianyi for the first time, and were stunned.

"The child of the dead girl?" Liu Hui was shocked when she heard it. "Where does she have children that are so old...If she had a child, how could she bring it back now?"

At the first sight of Qianyi, Qian Churui's qi in his heart no longer hits.

Why... why can she have children?

"It must be shameless!" Qian Churui gritted her teeth. "If it is not shameless, why hide it?"

Liu Hui pulled her: "Forget my daughter, you... don't fight with her. I have seen so many rich ladies. That dead girl is the smartest one I have ever seen. EQ is not low, you Fight with her and you will suffer."

Knowing that her daughter is not that high in EQ, and now she is backed by Li Heng again, if her daughter fights with her again, it will be of no benefit, and she can only admit it.

"Why can she get past? How did she coax Li Hengzhi? She can. Such a wild child of unknown origin can't stand a man, and Li Hengzhi can accept this?!"

Qian Churui couldn't control the volume when she was angry.

This is at home, and you can't say anything like that. Liu Hui hurriedly pulled her: "Don't talk about you stupid boy! You just talk nonsense when this is where you are!"

It's terrible to be heard.

Qianyi raised her head and glanced at them silently.

Wild child.

What kind of children the father doesn't want.

He has heard too many similar words.

Qianyi was not angry at all, his ice-blue eyes were lifted, and there was a resolute look in them.

With such a look, Liu Hui took a step back unconsciously.

What...what's going on...

Is this kid... really only four years old? This sharp look made her feel flustered. He was obviously just a child, but he exuded an aura that made people want to retreat.

Qian Churui thought about her stomach, and then looked at Qianyi before her, thinking of the difference between herself and Qian Chuchu, making her even more angry.

"What are you looking at! Are you polite, staring at your elders like this!"

Qianyi's little brow raised, and he snorted: "For my mommy's sake, I called you auntie. The elders are not like elders, and they spit dirty words. Do you still hope that I can respect you? Little grandma didn't Taught you, what is meant by respecting the old and loving the young?"

With Qianyi's momentum, Liu Hui's eyes widened. This child... is a monster! How could you say these adult-like things so calmly?

"I think your uneducated mother didn't teach you how to respect your elders, right?!" Qian Churui was anxious and stepped forward. "It's really the upper beam is not correct and the lower beam is crooked!"

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