You For Eternity

Chapter 681: It's okay to kiss her in public (6)

As soon as Li Hengzhi turned around, Chu Chu took his hand and shook his head slightly.

Li Hengzhi's eyes seemed to say to Chu Chu, let me solve it.

But Chu Chu still smiled, moved his lips, and told him with the shape of his lips: I'm coming.

Facing the reporter who asked the question, Chu Chu held his head high, his eyes fixed. When the reporter flinched, Chu Chu didn't tell him to do anything. Instead, he unbuttoned the top buttons of his clothes in public.

Such a large scale? ?

Many photographers carried their cameras, for fear of missing a second of the wonderful picture.

Li Hengzhi just watched quietly, he already knew what she wanted to do.

Chu Chu only unbuttoned the buttons to the harmonious part. Today's clothes are a bit loose, she lifted up a little with her shoulders, fell back, pulled the clothes in front, and turned around, revealing a piece of skin on her left back.

When the lens is zoomed in and zoomed in, one can clearly see that there is an obvious scar in the exposed part, which is a bit like healed after a burn.

The camera recorded this scene clearly, with constant groans.

Li Hengzhi on the side took off his coat and put it in front of her. Chu Chu smiled at him and said three words with his lips: Don't be angry.

Li Heng was silent.

He was indeed angry, but he was not mad and blamed her for exposing her scars in front of so many people, but...

Want to cut Cui Chenghua a thousand times.

They all looked like they hadn't taken enough shots yet, but Chu Chu had already turned around and said to the reporter who asked the question, "Will I show you another place?"

" more..."

You have to keep watching until you die!

"That's good. I chose to answer your question today to tell you that the past is not my fault, and the group that has made me experience the grief and is classified as scumbag in this world is The person who deserves to be condemned. I am not afraid to tell you that I curse him to death all the time, but it is a pity that good people are short-lived, and the evil is left for thousands of years."

These words were what Li Hengzhi had said to her before, and she firmly remembered them in her heart.

It was not her fault, she was not wrong, he told her so many times.

What about the camera in front, Chu Chu still doesn't hide his true thoughts.

"I dare to face this problem because there is someone who has been silently supporting and protecting me behind my back, letting me know that even if there are difficulties ahead of me, when I can't survive, he will still be with me, he will Help me overcome obstacles and remove the obstacles that prevent me from moving forward."

While Chu Chu said all this, he looked at Li Hengzhi with a lot of affection and tenderness.

"There are some words that I have hidden in my heart for a long time. I took advantage of this opportunity today to be in front of everyone and say something to him." Chu Chu turned around, raised his head slightly, and looked at Li Hengzhidao, "husband, Thank you, thank you for tolerating my past and healing my scars; thank you for loving me so much, for petting me, letting me know that I still have the value of being loved and loved; thank you for coming to me, thank you..."

Chu Chu's words were blocked by Li Hengzhi who leaned down with a kiss.


The media exploded!

Chu Chu's eyes widened, and he did not expect that he would suddenly act like this! It's okay to kiss her in public!

The flashlight couldn't stop like it was opened.

The photographer's hands are shaking!

Mr. President, give me some notice! How can this dog abuse drama come?

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