You For Eternity

Chapter 682: Say, how many husbands do you have (1)

I can’t even bother to complain about the urgent adjustment of the posture. The photos taken are not good, so I clicked and clicked here.

The people in the company heard the movement outside, and everyone who could come came over, but they didn't dare to go out. They all squeezed in front of the revolving door, watching through the transparent glass, patted and exclaimed.

The Lifetime Series!

Living alive can not only see the CEO marrying a wife and giving birth to children, but you can even see such scenes.

After all, it's going to be broadcast. The president greatly considered the scale and clicked to stop. Before Josie received the news and hurried down to watch, it was over.

This time not long ago, but the dog abuse drama that caused 10,000 points of harm to singles came to an end.

Li Hengzhi didn't show it to anyone, nor was it to prove anything, but Chu Chu lost his heartbeat in that second. He wanted to kiss her, so he kissed her.

What other people think or think has nothing to do with him.

"Some words don't have to be said, I can feel them with my heart."

The crit came so suddenly that many people hadn't watched enough to take photos, and before they could react, it was over. This tyranny also made the reporters who had prepared a lot of offensive questions suddenly confused, their brains exploded, and they couldn't remember what to ask for a while, and watched the two of them disappear from sight.

Josie rushed to the scene, looking at the scene that had already gone, angrily, grabbed a security guard and said angrily: "Why don't you tell me in advance for such an important scene!"

The security guard was dazed, I was touched by the goddess!


""Luminous", did you play for your sister?"

Chu Chu does not fight for fame and fortune, she must not care about the glory of the first lady. So he didn't think that she played the song "Luminous" at the celebrity dinner party in order to compete for the first lady.

Chu Chu understood that before he decided to marry her, he must have asked Yan Hai to check her basic information. After all, he is a person who lives a lifetime, how can he not understand his character.

However, he couldn't find out this matter.

Only she has read my sister's diary.

He has such a conclusion, but it is a guess based on the facts he knows.

"Did you go to that dinner?" Chu Chu asked.

"Well, I'm going."

When she was sixteen, it was seven years ago, and what happened one year after she had just become Qiantao.


At that time, she had just adapted to the identity of Qiantao. For the first year, she had been ignorantly and didn't catch a cold to the outside world, and worked hard to play the role of her sister.

She didn't know anyone at that time, and she didn't even know those things in the mall. She really didn't know who came and who didn't, and she didn't pay attention.

"Really. That day you wore a black evening dress. The temperament is between a girl and a woman. The sister next door has just grown up. With a ponytail, she didn't have stage fright and controlled the scene well. The performance was perfect. At least, you attracted my attention all the way. Originally, you were not very interested in that dinner. If you would regret not to go there, it is that you will regret that you missed your performance after hearing it."

She had heard praise from many people, but Li Hengzhi's praise made her the most useful and happiest.

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