You For Eternity

Chapter 690: My husband is straight (3)

Sometimes it was said that it was punishment, but he would not really use this kind of thing to punish her. More often it exists as a sentiment, letting their love|love bring some other colors and add fun.

If he was really angry, it wouldn't be such a method--

Of course, except that time.

After drinking some alcohol, he lost control of his emotions under the influence of alcohol, and did something wrong. Naturally, he didn't use alcohol as a shield. If he was wrong, he was wrong. He regretted it every time he thought about it. It had already happened and he could not reverse it. He could only say that he used it as a lesson and exhorted himself to never make another mistake in the future.

"Safety words?" Chu Chu blinked.

How could he suddenly think of this...

"No need...I must have forgotten everything at that time, and, you have a sense of measure, you are not willing to really toss me down."

"What's more..." Chu Chu opened the corner of his mouth and smiled, "I am a girl who speaks upright, and I say no, but the body is still very honest! Who makes my husband technically good! If you are true After listening to my words, I stopped, and I still feel unhappy afterwards. Since they are all unhappy, it is better to be unhappy after being unhappy. What do you say? I'm honest?"

Crying to cry, very ecstasy is also true. He takes care of her every time, not just making him comfortable, he can always take care of her feelings and solve her needs.

Li Hengzhi smiled slightly: "Yes, it's pure and unpretentious, very different from the coquettish **** outside."

Chu Chu also laughed, this smile dispelled the depression, and suddenly opened up his mood.

Sure enough, the literary and artistic route with a sad 45° elevation angle is not suitable for her. This is called, it takes no more than three seconds!

"Not angry anymore?"

"I wasn't angry at all..."

"I thought you were scolding me with Gu Tong, and you scolded a lot. My nose is always itchy."

Speaking of this, Chu Chu got up and showed him the phone: "Look at it for yourself, and pay me back."

Li Hengzhi didn't turn up, but he also glanced at the screen, saw the word second child, and talked to her about his previous thoughts.

Chu Chu thought for a while: "I have a thousand one is enough, how about you?"

Li Hengzhi shook his head: "Qianyi is already there, so I'm content. Don't look at Qianyi's sensible appearance, in fact, he is also insecure. The five years of paternal love he lacked, I want Compensating him twice, this is my responsibility as a father."

"I was wrong." Chu Chu looked at him.


"I should tell you back then, maybe we won't miss it for so long."

"Soon, everything will be in time."

There are still decades to stay together, he is content.

"Are you still sleeping?"

Chu Chu shook his head.

"Then change clothes."


"Aren't you going to see Ye Ning." Li Hengzhi smiled lightly.

Chu Chu's eyes widened: "Really take me there?"

"You can change your clothes, I'll go down and prepare breakfast for you, and then go out after eating."

Until Li Hengzhi disappeared, Chu Chu depressed and happily called Gu Tong: "Dear, there is no better man than my husband!"

"...Sister, you said that he was oppressing you ten minutes ago. Can you insist on ten more minutes?" Gu Tong looked through her a long time ago.

"Go see Ye Ning!"

"!!!" Gu Tong immediately sat upright, "Ten minutes to his mother, the president will compete!!!"

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