You For Eternity

Chapter 691: My husband is straight (4)

"But son... why do you want to go too?" Chu Chu, who was sitting in the passenger seat, turned to look at Qianyi, "Are you going to see the goddess?"

Qianyi was sitting on the child safety seat, propped half of his face with her little hand, and said leisurely: "Wei Young is also a girl."

"Ah..." Chu Chu reacted suddenly.

If that little girl receives Ye Ning's signed photo, she must be so happy!

Qianyi sighed: "I don't understand your girls. Obviously Dad is more MAN than Bai Erye."

"My son has vision." Li Hengzhi was very satisfied.

"MAN!" Chu Chu nodded in agreement, "Your dad is the most MAN in the world I have ever seen!"

"Even if you praise Dadbi to the sky now, you can't change the fact that you are about to see Ye Ning's idiot and can't find Bei."

Chu Chu smiled with her heart in her arms: "Don't tell me everything, I still love my husband the most! The idiot just got it!"

Li Hengzhi glanced at her, his eyes seemed to say: Why am I so unbelieving?


Seeing Ye Ning, Gu Tong almost used the power of the wild to dress and go out. When Chu Chu and the others arrived at Honor Entertainment, she had been standing at the door and waiting for a few minutes.

Chu Chu unfastened his seat belt and said, "I will disturb Ye Ning today and Sunday. Will it disturb him to rest? Not so good?"

"Today on Sunday, I also brought you to meet other men. You never thought about whether it would interrupt my rest, Mrs. Li."

Chu Chu smiled happily: "So I can come by myself! Or, can you go back to rest? Don't be too tired husband."

Li Heng's eyes narrowed and he smiled, "I want to be beautiful."

The sky was falling today, and he wouldn't let her see Ye Ning alone.

Chu Chu got out of the car first and ran towards Gu Tong.

From a long distance, I saw the two of them holding hands, looking so excited, I didn't know what they were talking about.

Li Hengzhi was unfastening the seat belt on the safety seat. Qianyi looked out the window and said, "There is a daughter-in-law who loves nymphs, is it very hard?"

The corner of Li Hengzhi's mouth twitched, "Fortunately, I can still control it. From another angle, I have good looks, I am not afraid that she is not a idiot."

After all, Ye Ning was something she could see and couldn't eat, and he could pounce at any time. Whoever chooses the nympho, smart people know?

"Oh...that's true."

"Baby Qianyi~~~~~" Gu Tong hadn't seen Qianyi for several days, so he rushed to kiss and hug him.

Although Qianyi didn't like this, Nian could bear it because he hadn't seen it for days.

Gu Tong finally wanted to kiss Qianyi's little mouth, which was blocked by his hand: "This is for my future daughter-in-law."

"Puff......" Chu Chu smiled.

Gu Tong said: "You little mouth, your mommy has kissed you a long time ago, and you don't have the share of your future daughter-in-law."

There were not many people at the Glory Entertainment on Sunday. There was a **** duty at the front desk, holding a mirror to touch up her makeup. Hearing the sound of someone approaching, he didn't raise his head and said: "No office on Sunday, come back on Monday if something happens. "

"Not working, looking for someone."

Li Hengzhi's voice is deep and very magnetic, and few girls can hold the attack from the subwoofer.

Some people are those who can arouse nymphs just by hearing the sound, Li Hengzhi.

The girl at the front desk was intoxicated as soon as she heard this sound, and she raised her head in amazement to see who was sacred. After seeing the people, she was even more amazed. She stood up quickly and paused for a long time: "President Li!"

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