You For Eternity

Chapter 705: Teach us how to seduce men (3)

"Sheng...Sheng Shao..."

No one thought that Sheng Ming would appear here!

And looking at him, he should have heard a lot.

"Fuck me clean your mouth! Can you talk about her too?!"

"No... it's not what we said... it's all like this outside... so spread..."

"Let you go to death, do you go to die?" Sheng Ming's mouth was very poisonous, and he roared loudly, "I also let them preach, preach you are dead, are you going to die?! Ah?!"

Where did the girl see this rise, she was immediately scared to cry: "Young Master Sheng...I...I won't say..."

They have heard rumors that the Sheng family has a bad temper, but they didn't expect to be so violent, they are also girls anyhow!

"I have remembered how you look like, if the **** mouth is still so dirty, don't blame me Sheng Ming for not notifying her in advance!"

While nodding their heads, they all wondered in their hearts, what is this Qian Chuchu's background? How could she be so capable that she was so bewildered that she was still speaking for her at this time?

"Also, I didn't dump her!" Sheng Ming said loudly, "It's the **** I was dumped by her!! Hear you!!"

"Listen... heard..."


This Sheng Ming...

Is it an honor to be dumped? I am also afraid of shouting so loudly that others don't know.

Originally there were such rumors, she also thought it was quite good, at least Uncle Sheng would feel more comfortable.

He was fine, and he was coming to set her up anyway, but this is not the point, the point is...

I haven't had a relationship with anyone, and there is no such thing! There is no cause, what effect!

"Oh, who is this, isn't it Qian Chuchu?"

Sheng Ming, together with the others, looked up at the end of the aisle.

Qianchuchu? ?

Where is she? ?

Chu Chu turned around, and a few people didn't recognize him again.

To talk about the uncomfortable after becoming famous, it is that both Ama and Ago know who she is, but she does not know who the other party is. This feeling of ignorance of the other party made her feel particularly uncomfortable.

"It turns out that real people are more attractive than photos. No wonder, so many men are so fascinated by you! Even if you are married, you can seduce so many men's hearts. You taught us how to seduce men?"

"Angel, what's the use of what you learned? It's not comparable to other people's Taoism. This kind of thing, how can you do it without any cultivation?"


She was a little impressed with this name, but she didn't know if it was the Angel that Lynn and the others mentioned before, a woman who had been with Sheng Ming.


Sheng Ming, Sheng Ming, you really provoke any woman, what taste...

"What are you still doing here? There is a man who has been looking for something outside... I think... he should be looking for you? Your first love."


Ye Yunshen?

he came?

"I heard that it was an infatuated species. I knew that she was dead and still did not marry another woman. I have pityed the Mu family's eldest lady. This wait is eight years, and it has consumed a lot of youth.

"Hey, it's a pity, they married a long time ago. What's the use of him waiting for her, thinking that others will be so infatuated with him, do you only fall in love once? They are veterans in love and cheated one after another."

Chu Chu never interrupted. When they finished speaking, they said, "Sheng Ming is behind me. Are you sure you don't need to tidy up this snake-like face? It's almost hideous. Sheng Ming likes beautiful women, and he definitely doesn't like your look. "

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