You For Eternity

Chapter 706: Your fiancee is so pitiful (1)

She kindly reminded.

However, whether they believe it or not, it is their business.

Obviously, they did not believe it.

"Who is bluffing here! How could Young Master Sheng be here? I just saw him joking with Meng's eldest lady outside."

"Oh." Chu Chu finally said, meaningless.

Anyway, she hadn't seen him outside just now, let alone the eldest lady from the Meng family. She was not familiar anyway.

"Qian Chuchu, do you think you are still the goddess who is being chased by Young Master Sheng? The broken shoes like you who have not known how many people have slept before! Who will want you!"

Chu Chu listened to the sound of walking on the other road after turning.

Not only Chu Chu, but those women who had just been taught by Sheng Ming were also worried for them.

Chu Chu could only sigh, "I told you that Shengming is here, so why don't you listen?"

She is so kind, Sheng Ming started to get angry, she would not pity Xiangyu at all, and said such ugly words. She doesn't get angry, she doesn't care, anyway, it sounds like farting in her ears, nothing to care about, but Sheng Ming is not.

How could he hear these bad words with his hot temper.

Chu Chu didn't need to listen, just just by looking at their expressions, each of them widened their eyes and looked at Chu Chu behind him like a ghost, stammering: "It's really... it's Master Sheng..."

Some were unbelievable, and others blamed Chu Chu for staring at her, "Qian Chuchu! You—"

"What am I? I just kindly reminded you, don't listen, blame me?"

"Who just scolded her, stand up for me."

Several people took a few steps back one after another, not dare at all.

"I'll say it again, consciously stand up for me! I count three times, one--two--three--"

For fear of being implicated, several people pointed to one of them: "It's... it's Angel!"

What kind of "friendship" between them, in fact, is just that, and the catastrophe is imminent.

"you guys--"

At this time, the few people who had just been yelled at by Sheng Ming also followed one after another, looking at the movement here, watching the misfortunes of others to comfort their wounded soul.

I saw Sheng Ming sneered, walked towards them, stopped in front of the man in the middle, and grabbed her in front of her by clasping her wrists: "Gao Anqi, you are so promising! I was attracted by Sheng Ming. Do you dare to slander a woman? How about she marrying or having children? When did I say that she was no longer the goddess I was chasing after?"

"Sheng... Shao Sheng... You hurt me..." Gao Anqi was shocked and frightened.

"Not only will I hurt you, but if you dare to slander my goddess, I will kill you!"

Gao Anqi stared at him incredulously: "Young Master Sheng...I am also you anyway..."

"Don't give yourself a face, you really take yourself seriously when you eat a meal with you? My girlfriend is my girlfriend after a meal. Isn't Lao Tzu the 3,000 beauties in the harem?"

When everyone else heard it, they started talking.

"It turns out that she is not Young Master Sheng's girlfriend at all... Seeing that she was blowing so hard before, I thought it was true. It was just a meal, so she was really passionate..."

"That is, Master Sheng gave me something, am I not his fiancée?"

Gao Anqi's face became more and more ugly, "You let me go..."

However, Sheng Ming didn't plan to just let it go, and sneered: "It's unfortunate, I happened to be hit by you several times in Victoria."

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