You For Eternity

Chapter 759: Back Kill (3)

Not only Ye Ning, but Jiang Wan beside him also turned sideways.

Oh, that's not...

When Chu Chu stepped on a ladder, she suddenly felt as if her clothes were being dragged by something, and then in the next second, people backed up from the ladder.


With all kinds of screams and exclamations coming from below, a familiar smell came from Chu Chu's breath.

A faint mint fragrance, that's not...

A shadow shrouded her above her, and those powerful hands suddenly hugged her waist.

Li Hengzhi's chin rested lightly on her left shoulder, and his hot breath spit in her ears: "Where are you going."

A deep, magnetic voice.

The voice was very soft, only enough for her to hear, Ye Ning on the stage only guessed one or two through his mouth.

Although everyone can't hear what he is talking about, the president of the Dignified Glory Group, the fourth master of the famous family, Li Siye, unexpectedly showed affection in public and staged a back killing with his wife. Such a lethal power really makes people a little caught off guard. I even forgot to take my mobile phone.

You know, the four masters, the more powerful and powerful they are in high positions, the more low-key they are. They are given this title not only because of their ability, but also because of their conduct.

Chu Chu would rather believe that it was just a problem with his own perception. But when she heard his voice, her last hope was shattered.

Didn't he have a very important meal? How could he appear here...

"No!" Chu Chu replied anxiously, her neck shrinking, "I want to go to the bathroom, and I want to ask Ye Ning if I know where the bathroom is...husband, there are so many people here, do you want to let me go first... …"

"Hmm..." His voice was still deep and he couldn't hear any emotions, "I know where I am, I will take you."

It's too late to say "no need" at this time.

Before everyone could react, Chu Chu had been taken away from the scene.

Everyone looked at their disappeared figure, wondering what they were going to do...

Miss Jiang, who had witnessed the entire incident, said: "This Qianchuchu is really cute than I thought."

The interactive session with the fans will continue. Gu Tong was fortunate enough to be the lucky one. He happily ran up to interact with Ye Ning, and was so excited that he almost fainted.

Until he returned to his seat, the whole person was still floating.

Soon after, Li Hengzhi returned with Chu Chu's hand and sat beside Gu Tong.

Gu Tong, who was finally relieved, looked at Chu Chu's red and swollen lips, and smiled happily, "See if you dare to dare next time."

It's easy to come out of the nympho, but he was caught by the husband. Wuli's luck is really not too good!

Chu Chu glared at her, then turned back to look at Li Hengzhi, his eyes a bit sad.

However, Li Hengzhi deliberately didn't interpret the expressions in her eyes, and only treated each other gently, using the touch of envy of others to kill, and the scene seemed to be floating with a pink girl's heart.

Of course, everyone can't hear it, but what Li Hengzhi said next to Chu Chu's ear was like this: "When you are better... I will ask for it."

In order to be discharged from the hospital, Chu Chu said that he could run and jump instantly and turned into sister Lin, leaning in his arms, stroking his temple with one hand, and said weakly, "I don't know why, I suddenly feel dizzy..."

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