You For Eternity

Chapter 760: Si Ye smiled very much

"I must not be complete yet," Chu Chu said, raising his head, looking at him, blinking and saying, "Four Lord, why don't I go back to the hospital for observation for a few days?"

"Don't you want to spend Christmas in the hospital?"

In order to persuade him to leave the hospital, she has used all the reasons she can say. And these, he remembered clearly.

"Is it just Christmas? It's not our traditional holiday, but it doesn't matter if it's over."

Looking at Chu Chu's laughing face, Li Hengzhi, who was not angry, had already broken his work.

Unfortunately, the host just mentioned Li Hengzhi, and the camera followed them. The scene where Li Hengzhi smiled at Chu Chu happened to be captured on the big screen, so that everyone in the banquet hall could see. Be careful.

It was momentary, fleeting, but after a while, everyone realized that it was not an illusion, because...Almost everyone saw it!

Like Ye Ning, beauty is beautiful, but there is already such an image in his memory, no matter how amazing it is, it is difficult to have any big surprises.

But Li Hengzhi is different. He is not often on the mirror, and he is always an iceberg. Therefore, this scene tonight can be said to touch the hearts of all women. It is not an exaggeration to describe it in such a sentence-

Si Ye's smile is very enchanting!

Without Gu Tong's reminder, the changes on the scene had already told them what had happened, and they had only slightly raised their heads and looked forward to understand.

The host received a reminder from Mr. Yu from the stage, and hurriedly asked again: "Excuse me, Mr. Li, I heard that Ye Ning's next play will work with a foreign team. Is the shooting location at home or abroad?"

After all, Li Hengzhi is a person who has experienced strong winds and waves. Facing the commotion just now, he didn't care about it, his expression was not moved at all, and he was very calm and authentic: "Since it is a Chinese-Western movie, the theme is a Western background, and the shooting is natural Not in the country."

"Ah...That said, Ye Ning will be leaving Haicheng for a while, and fans will definitely miss it."

Ye Ning on the side suddenly smiled and said, "I think Li always deliberately distracted me for a while."

"Oh?" The host didn't react for a while. After a few seconds, he suddenly understood, "Ah..."

Originally, the host didn't have the guts to ask Li Hengzhi about this question. It's not impossible to end it like this. Who knows that Li Hengzhi's two hands overlapped on his knees, nodded elegantly and said: "That's right."

There was a lot of laughter during the dinner, and the live video was going to be broadcast later. This meant that everyone would know that Li Siye was jealous and angered Ye Ning to go abroad.

Most people know that this is just a joke, and you lose if you are serious.

However, everyone also had a new understanding of the legendary Fourth Master Li. It turned out that Fourth Master would also be joking! It just depends on who it is.

The impression of Li Heng’s anger protecting his beloved wife last time is still vivid, and today he showed his affection in front of everyone. Since then, Fourth Master Li’s new title of "Wife Protector" has been unknowingly Passed it out.

Chu Chu swiped Weibo for a while, and found that there were countless people Ai Te she, and patted Li Hengzhi who was on the side: "Look, it's all posted!"

It was the moment he used his back to kill just now.

There are still people who are sane, and they took this scene wittily.

Li Hengzhi glanced, and said in a faint tone: "Well, it's okay."

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