You For Eternity

Chapter 761: We lived together


Who asked you if it works!

"...It's okay indeed." Cough.

As a upright girl, Chu Chu, who said no to the photo, but honestly liked this photo in her heart, thought for a while, looked at him and said, "Oh, this pixel is also very high, we can Wash it out and hang it on the photo wall."

"Right on my mind."

After asking about Ye Ning's itinerary in the coming months, the host brought the topic to Jiang Wan again.

"We all know that the goddess of late is cooperating on behalf of Y.E.A and Glory this time. Did you get along with Ye Ning alone and find feelings? How can you feel so CP?"

Jiang Wan smiled slightly: "The CP feeling is something that you only know when you run in. Before the filming, I didn't know that I could run in so well with Ye Ning. He is a good actor and can make me enter the state very quickly."

"Then can you tell everyone, what methods did you use to break in?"

"This one……"

"Acting must be realistic, so in order to find a fit, we lived together for a period of time." Ye Ning suddenly continued.

The atmosphere was instantly high.

At first, everyone hoped that the couple would really be together at night. When this sentence came out, it immediately aroused many people's expectations.

The host was taken aback and looked down the stage at a loss.

Sitting in the front row, Chu Chu could see the expressions of other senior officials of Honor Entertainment, everyone was stunned. Obviously, this was not discussed in advance, and Ye Ningshan made an answer in favor.

The agent was already winking at his seat, hoping that Ye Ning would quickly bring the topic back.

Chu Chu was probably the only fan who remained calm. She didn't take it seriously because she remembered the scene where Jiang night appeared in Ye Ning's personal lounge.

What he said about cohabitation should mean this, right?

Looking at Li Hengzhi next to him, he didn't know whether he was indifferent to these things, or he felt that everything was under control, and his expression remained unchanged.

"What's the matter?" She asked out of curiosity.

Li Hengzhi took a sip of tea and replied, "I don't know."


Chuchu spit out a mouthful of old blood, wondering if you are so calm?


Together was very calm, and Jiang Wan on the stage, his face unchanged, and his beautiful face still kept an extremely beautiful smile.

"Uh..." The host obviously couldn't take it anymore, with cold sweat on his forehead.

Ye Ning took it unhurriedly: "I'm kidding, isn't it funny?"


What's so funny!

Your smile is so peculiar...

"Ha...Haha..." The host took the topic abruptly, "Well, it's not as good as Ye Ning to say, what kind of expectations do you have for the future half? Can you accept siblings?"

Ye Ning looked at Jiang Wan and said with a smile: "If this beautiful sister is our goddess of night, of course it can be accepted."

This sentence is a pure joke. The host laughed and asked Jiang Wan again: "Then our goddess, can we accept Ye Ning's younger brother?"

Chu Chu noticed that Jiang Wan's gaze seemed to faintly swept in a certain direction off the stage.

Chu Chu didn't pay attention at first, but soon Li Hengzhi also turned his head and looked back.

"Who is here?" Chu Chu's instinct was accurate, and he felt that they were looking at the same person.

"No." Li Hengzhi apparently concealed something and he didn't want to answer.

On the stage, Jiang Wan smiled faintly: "Ye Ning is very cute."

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