You For Eternity

Chapter 771: Want to remarry? Next life

Chu Chu's figure leaned back a little, tilted his head to look at Li Hengzhi above him, and his eyes were crooked like a crescent: "What's the matter, Si Ye wants to kill him?"

Chu Chu blinked and wrapped his hands around his strong and sturdy body, and his voice was also very gentle: "Is it very tired?"

"Chu Chu..." His voice was also a bit tired.

"What's wrong?" Why did she feel something was wrong...

"Regret marrying me?"

"Why did you bring this up all of a sudden? Of course you don't regret it anymore. You've already taken my heart away. Wouldn't I feel bad when I regret it? Unless you give it back to me."

Chu Chu said in a relaxed and cheerful tone as much as possible.

She always felt that after seeing Ye Yan, he was even more tired than before.

What did Ye Yan do? She already had some insights in her heart now. His tired appearance should be related to Ye Yan's meeting, right?

"You are indeed right. Ye Yan's current status is not only given to him by YEA. In this world, you can only protect the people you love if you have the supreme right. Chuchu, there are some things, I still I don't want to tell you, but I think you already feel some. Even so, do you still love me?"

Chu Chu broke free from his arms, sighed, and smiled very helplessly and said, "Si Ye, have you ever heard a word? Marry a chicken with a chicken, marry a dog with a dog, hehe!"

He hooked her nose, "Who is he cursing?"

In the next second, Chu Chu said again: "But you have to promise me that you must be safe. I don't want to remarry with Qianyi. Your son is too clever. I'm afraid I will search the world and may not find the first You can hold him down."

"Want to remarry? Next life."

Next life, next life...

Never want to let go anymore.


The night is getting darker.

On the top floor of the towering hotel, in the most luxurious executive room, men are surrounded by bath towels, their back muscles are tough, and there are several different scars.

He stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, looking at the night view below, thinking about something.

"Behee--" The sound of swiping the card to open the door suddenly came from behind, causing him to frown and turn around.

Who can own the secondary card here?

With two plastic bags in her hands, Nianxin pushed the door with her body with a little difficulty. The door is automatic, so it takes a little effort to push in.

She slammed her **** hard and finally let the door open for a certain distance. She turned around and entered smoothly.

Can't get you a door?

Looking down at the two big bags of supper in his hand, I thought Xiaobai should have enough to eat?

The door closed automatically, and a small melody of closing the door was emitted again, and Nian Xin turned around, looking at Bai Yujing in front of him, dumbfounded.

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