You For Eternity

Chapter 772: Xiaobai, marry me! (1)

With two "pop, pop", the supper on both hands directly hit the ground, watching the beautiful wet man in front of him froze, stuttering: "Little...uncle..."

How could he be in the room!

Zhan Yan clearly said he was out...

Didn’t you go on a date with Lan Fei?

Nianxin originally wanted to put down the supper and leave, but now...

She stood not far from the door, her whole body was stunned, the wet white...

The sturdy figure, full of powerful muscles, is radiating terrible temptation all the time.

Bai Yujing paused, and walked towards her step by step. Nianxin's feet seemed to be held down by some spell, completely immobile, and unable to move one step away.

The place where she was standing didn't turn on the light, and it looked a little gloomy, but her eyes seemed to shine brightly.

Bai Yujing stopped in front of her and suddenly squatted down.

When he couldn't see it, Nianxin took a few breaths desperately, not daring to make any noise. His throat swallowed fiercely.

She really... After so many years, she still has no resistance to Xiao Bai's male sex.

Just now she thought he came here to...

Nianxin bit her lip and scolded herself for thinking too much.

He is now the mainstay of the Bai family, bearing the destiny of the entire Bai family on his back. He has been deeply influenced by the strict education of the Bai family since he was a child. How can he do something like this breaking the world and stepping on ethics?

"Fortunately, it didn't come out," Bai Yujing lifted the two bags of food on the ground, stood up, looked at her and asked, "Why are you here? Why is the secondary card in your hand?"

"I... I ran into Zhan Yan when I came over, and I said I would bring you a midnight snack. He said that you were not here and asked me to come directly..." Nianxin sorted his emotions and followed him in, "Speaking of which , Uncle, aren't you here, why are you here again?"

"I've been there. Maybe he thought I was out."

He put the things down, turned and went into the bedroom.

always there?

So...has he not been out today? What about...

She didn't know the details, and she didn't plan to ask.

Nianxin looked around, sniffed with her nose, then smelled the smell on her body, frowning suspiciously.

If she smelled it right, there seemed to be only her perfume in this room. Does Lan Fei leave no taste?

As if trying to find something, she turned around and looked for it in the slit of the sofa, stupefied that she couldn't find a single hair, let alone a woman's long hair.

Lan Fei is a big wave, if it falls somewhere, it is easy to recognize.

Isn't it... the hair is so good that none of it will fall?

Xiaobai has a habit of cleanliness, maybe it was cleaned up...

"What are you looking for?"

As soon as Bai Yujing's voice fell, Nianxin immediately sat down, stroked her hair and said, "I'm seeing if I have lost my hair and soiled your place..."

"Hair fall out after sitting for a while? It seems that I will ask Aunt Fang to cook you some nourishing ginseng soup when I go back."

"No need--" Nianxin said, and then raised her head for a moment.

He changed into a bathrobe, which was tightly covered.

It turns out that I went to the bedroom in such a hurry, but I changed my clothes.

If the person who came is Lan Fei, he must not change it?

Although Nianxin quickly put on another expression, Bai Yujing still caught him: "What's the matter with the bulging face?"

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