You For Eternity

Chapter 773: Xiaobai, marry me! (2)

"No... ginseng soup is not good." She casually found an excuse.

"Drink if you don't drink well, to make up for your body. Since you were injured, your body has gotten worse. When you go back to Jiangchuan, I go to the gym every day to exercise. Did you hear?

"Uncle, you are so busy, do you still supervise my exercise?"

"Even if I can't supervise you, the whole Bai family can't find someone who can supervise you?"

When Nianxin heard it, she muttered again.

"Why do you think of sending me a late night snack? So behaved, why do you want to beg me?"

"Where did I... I heard Zhan Yan said that you are very busy, so... I brought you something," she stood up after saying, "I have delivered the things, then I will leave first, in case The girl woke up to find me."

"Sit down, it's so late, eat something before leaving, I can't finish eating so much."

Nianxin has walked a few steps, turned around, looked at it, and said, "Then wait until Sister Lan Fei comes back to eat together. I just bought it. It's very hot. You won't be cold if you let her come over now—"

"She can't come."


"Lan Fei won't be here at night."


Bai Yujing was already opening the plastic bag in front of him, and when he heard her words, he raised his head suddenly, "What and why? But I just can't come, there is no reason."

Nianxin also felt that her words seemed to make people feel strange, so she nodded: "Oh, then throw it away if you can't eat it. I won't eat it anymore and lose weight."

With a "pop", the chopsticks that Bai Yujing had just picked up were suddenly placed on the coffee table again, frightening Nian's heart.

"Lose weight?" Bai Yujing looked like everyone else, looking at her, "Bai Nianxin, you are able to bear it, you have become thinner, and you want to lose weight with me?"

"I was wrong..." She should have missed the word "weight loss" by mistake.

Now, everyone in the Bai family can't wait to raise her to be as fat as a pig.

"Sit down," he said in an irresistible tone, "you don't eat this half today, don't think of this door!"

Li Nianxin, Li Nianxin, your ability to dig holes to make yourself jump is getting better and better!

From the moment she entered Bai's house, Bai Yujing was the only person who was good to her. He broke into her world when she was most ignorant, and she naively thought that she could rely on him for the rest of her life.

In my youth, love began to develop.

When she realized that she had loved him so much that she couldn't help herself, she realized that he is her brother-in-law and she is his niece. There can be no **** between the two.

But what to do? Her heart has been handed over, is it her fault?

He can condone her mischief, but he has never compromised on some principled issues.

When encountering this kind of problem, usually her harassment won't work, and acting like a baby is not enough. His orders can only be followed.

What's more, today's Li Nianxin is no longer the Li Nianxin he was many years ago.

She didn't want to argue with Bai Yujing, so she sat down obediently, looked at the two big bags of supper and asked, "Do you really want to eat half of it?"

"Eat." If she really can't eat anymore, he can tell, and naturally he won't force her to finish eating these things forcibly.

Nianxin is a little upset, I really shouldn't have bought so many!

Bai Yujing sat on the sofa, leaning forward, eating bite by bite, while Nianxin sat cross-legged on the ground.

No way, people have long hands and feet, and she can't reach them!

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