You For Eternity

Chapter 781: I dare to die, still dare not live? (3)

Together they breathed a sigh of relief, and Gu Tong, who had already grabbed No. 2 arm of the small bastard, saw that he had escaped, and she felt more fortunate than hiding.

Scared to death!

At the moment when Gu Tong was distracted, the gangster drew the knife back with his backhand. Gu Tong didn't pay attention, his arm was slashed, and he broke free.

A bright red blood burst out across the clothes.

"Gu Tong!"

The moment Gu Tong lowered his head, the gangster knocked her down, raised the knife high and stabbed her down.

"Hey! Stop!"

At the moment of the moment, Li Tianyou kicked the person who was rushing towards him, ran at a speed of 100 meters, and grabbed the blade.

Gu Tong was good at blocking his vision, thinking that he was doomed to escape this time, but after a few seconds he didn't feel pain, and warm liquid dripped on his leg.

He put his hand down and took a look, his eyes widened in shock.

A lot of blood had fallen in Li Tianyou's hand holding the blade.

"Let go!" she yelled in surprise.

At this moment, the knife suddenly got out of his palm, Li Tianyou knelt in pain, his other hand clasped his injured wrist tightly.

"Li Tianyou!"

Gu Tong yelled, but didn't have time to watch his injuries. His eyes were raging, and he subdued the man with a few strokes. He snatched the **** knife in his hand, and angrily pointed at the third person who rushed towards him: "Don't come!"

One of the two friends could not afford to be injured, the other was taken away from the weapon, and the woman had two slaps, the third one hesitantly, should he go or not?

"Get out! Get out of here!" Gu Tong stared at him, took a step back, and lifted Li Tianyou up with one hand, alertly let him sit in the passenger seat, and closed the door.

Gu Tong took a few steps, picked up his bag, ran back to the driver's seat, and drove away.

While driving, she stretched out her hand and took out her mobile phone from her bag: "Hello? The police station? I want to call the police. There are three young people with knives wounded on the XX road X stop sign... Yes, I am sending the injured to the hospital. This is my mobile phone number. Just contact this number if you have anything to do."

The most important thing now is to send Li Tianyou to the hospital. Whether the gangsters will run away is not her concern.

She has reported the location, and can only trust people from the police if it can be caught.

After hanging up the phone and driving a certain distance, she parked the car on the side of the road, pulled off the silk scarf around her neck, and pulled his right hand to her front.

The palm of his right hand is already **** and horrible.

"Aren't you crazy?! Do you have the skills to take the hand-to-hand with your hands? Just take it?!"

She wrapped his hand roughly with a silk scarf first, and the blood could stop as much as possible.

Li Tianyou lost blood and was in pain again. At this time, his face was pale, his face was sweating a lot, and his lips were trembling. He slowly said, "In that case, do you choose some?"

He can't just watch!

"Of course some have chosen!" Gu Tong glared at him, then drove on the road again, "Master, I was there for a long time to look at you, do you not understand or lack the heart? I will let you go. Get out of the car if you get off! You think you are a superhero, you don’t have the power to hold a chicken, and you want to save me! You also give them heads when you come down!"

Li Tianyou: "..."

Let's not discuss whether he can help. A woman said that he has no power to bind a chicken. Now he is also a dog in his heart!

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