You For Eternity

Chapter 782: I dare to die, still dare not live? (4)

"Then what you mean, I'm going to drive away as if I didn't see it, whether you were raped or killed by them?"

"..." Gu Tong was silent for a few seconds.

Of course...not so.

It's okay if the one who doesn't know is gone, if it's someone who knows, although she can't blame anyone, but afterwards, in her heart... I'm afraid she will be well deserved.

"I mean, if you don't have the ability, don't force it. You can foolishly take your own life. You can go first and call the police."

"Call the police? Who knows what will happen afterwards?" Li Tianyou smiled bitterly, "I didn't think so much. I can't leave anyway."

Now that there is no life worry, Gu Tong is also relieved. I was nervous just now, and seeing him like this, I inevitably lose my temper. Now I calm down and sighed and said, "I don’t like to be tiring the most. At that time, I would rather have something to do than to be involved. You. If you want to have a long and two short, what shall I return to uncle and aunt?

His parents are so nice, she feels very sad.

At this moment, she finally felt Chu Chu's mood at that time.

It's really terrible!

"If my mother knows that I will leave you alone, it will be your life and death, I'm afraid it will nail me to the humiliation frame! Even if you survive, it will be very useless."

"Bah! You have troubles! How good is alive!" Gu Tong vomited, "For example, if I really can't escape, I will try to save my life. Chastity and life are definitely important to life. Keep your life. What can't I do? I dare to die, but I dare not live? My mother has been raising me for so many years. It is not worth it! My younger brother and sister will also be sad."

Li Tianyou smiled: "Are you still giving me an education class?"

"I'm talking about you! I can't help myself!" Gu Tong said that he didn't forgive him, "I know that I don't have the ability to save people, so I don't mix anything! Uncles and aunts are just you, a son, only one life, cherish Okay?"

Li Tianyou couldn't refute it.

What else can he say?

"Yes, yes, I'm not capable!"

Nothing more...

It is also a fact, just admit it!

I just saw that she was so agile, and when she looked at herself, she had the power of a man without knowing anything. She coughed: "But... I suddenly felt that you were a little light on me that night..."

He felt even more pain when he thought of the little **** who had just suffered a poisonous foot.

"That night I was—" Before the red light, Gu Tong turned to look at him, but the words stopped suddenly.


That evening……

Li Tianyou also remembered something in an instant, his expression was terrible.

Whoops... I said that I should forget, why did I mention it again!

"Can you drive faster? Your hands are so painful..." He changed the subject.

"I'm powerless..." Gu Tong glanced at the traffic light in front of them, "Red light, you can't run through."


At the intersection before driving to the hospital, Li Tianyou found out what the road was and called her to stop: "Wait... Are you going to the Honor Hospital?"

"Of course... this is recent."

"do not go!"

"Why—" asked reflexively, then paused, "Because of uncle?"

He nodded: "Everyone in the hospital knows me. As soon as I go in, within five minutes, my dad will know!"

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