You For Eternity

Chapter 784: I must have thought I spent the night at your house (1)

The hand gradually regained consciousness, and he breathed a sigh of relief after seeing the fingers still move.

Being able to move means it's all right, and it doesn't hurt your nerves.

Gu Tong was still panting, as if he hadn't recovered from sleep just after waking up, let alone where he was, staring forward.

Li Tianyou raised his other hand and shook it before her eyes: "Is it all right?"

Gu Tong reacted, turning his head to look at him, and let out a sigh of relief: "It turned out to be in the hospital..."

Thinking about it this way, I remember everything last night. She stroked her forehead and said, "I just had a dream. I dreamed that I was... I went. It's too real. I thought it was real."

Li Tianyou looked at her panting, his face was really relaxed.

It seems that even though it doesn't matter how she behaved last night, if she really encountered it, she might not be as strong as she might have seen on the surface, and her heart would still be soft.

"Huh... just a dream! Are you okay?"

"It's okay, I can move my hands, but if it's better, it will take some time, a little headache..."

"Afraid of being discovered by uncles and aunts?"

"Isn't it? Go back like this, you will be found."

Li Tianyou took a look at his mobile phone, there was a missed call, and smiled: "Oh, it's a miracle. My mother called me when I didn't go back last night."

Gu Tong: "..."

How pitiful he is, he is so happy when he receives a call!

She didn't go back last night. Naturally, she told Gu Yan that she was safe. Gu Yan would not care about her whereabouts, and would not ask more if she knew she was fine.

Fortunately, it is winter, and the minor injuries on the arm will not show up.

Li Tianyou was different. He was hurt in his palm and couldn't hide it no matter what.




At noon, Aunt Li was still preparing lunch. When she heard the door opening, she knew her son had returned. She turned her back to the outside and said, "Smelly boy, do you still know that you are back? Didn't the little girl take the soul away?"

"Cough!" Li Tianyou coughed.

Aunt Li didn't know anything, and continued to complain: "You, bring me the little girl if you have the ability. Don't just play and be irresponsible."

Gu Tong had already experienced the degree of Aunt Li's openness before, but now it sounds a bit embarrassing.

The Li family is implementing a stocking policy against Li Tianyou, whatever he makes trouble!

"Auntie, good noon..." Gu Tong finally said.

Aunt Li was taken aback for a moment, then suddenly turned her head: "Tong Tong! Why are you here——"

Before I finished speaking, I saw an even more surprising scene.

The two held hands, Gu Tong almost snuggled against Li Tianyou.


Aunt Li suppressed the joy in her heart, and said to Li Tianyou sternly, "Why don't you tell me in advance that Tongtong is coming over! I'm going to buy a table of good food!"

"It doesn't matter..." Li Tianyou put one hand in the pocket of his coat, and scratched his head with the other hand unnaturally. "Tong Tong is not picky about eating, just eat normally."

"Yes, Auntie, I just have to eat anything."

"How can you do it! Tongtong is a guest, how can you eat anything you want! Sit first, and I will go down and buy some food and come back."

"Hey, no need auntie——" Gu Tong said hurriedly, "We... we will go out to eat later."

"Oh yes, we made an appointment."

Shouldn’t I show my stuff when I eat at home?

He just came back and wandered around and made a statement.

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