You For Eternity

Chapter 785: I must have thought I spent the night at your house (2)

Now Aunt Li's attention was solely on the relationship between the two of them, and she didn't even look at the hand he put in her pocket.

When Aunt Li heard it, she was right. It's better for the two of them to go out to eat on their own and cultivate more relationships!

"Then you... go out to eat? Eh, son, you didn't go out yesterday in this suit..."

He had lost the blood-stained clothes a long time ago, and now he has re-purchased this body, but this is definitely not the case. So Gu Tong thought with a thought, "Oh! Yesterday it was accidentally soiled and was sent for dry cleaning. Isn't it cold today? I was afraid he was freezing, so I asked my brother to borrow a coat!"

Li Tianyou stabbed her, Gu Tong didn't know why, and looked at him sideways, his eyes seemed to say: What are you doing?

"Ah! That's it..." Aunt Li smiled mysteriously, "That's okay...Should you continue to sit for a while, or leave immediately, you can figure it out by yourself! I will continue to cook, and I will follow Your dad can eat with two people."

"I'll go back to the room and get something."

Seeing both of them enter the room, Aunt Li snorted: "I'm still taking things! Who lie to you, brat, I have eaten more salt than you eat!"

The two of them separated the door and heard Aunt Li call Uncle Li and said happily: "I'm telling you, our son has finally got the hang of it..."

"Huh...should you not doubt it?"

"More than doubting?" Li Tianyou, who was on top because of her height, said, "You said that, you gave her a reason to be sexually sexual. I must think I spent the night at your house."

"..." Well, judging from the aunt's reaction, it is indeed the case.

"Forget it!" Gu Tong said, "I don't mind, what do you mind? So if you don't go home for several days, they won't doubt you, right?"

Gu Tong put his ear on the door panel and listened carefully to the movement in the living room.

Li Tianyou turned his head, his eyes fell unexpectedly on her body, suddenly startled.

she was……

Gu Tong suddenly chuckles and laughs, and tore Li Tianyou off. He smiled and said, "Hurry up and listen. Auntie is talking to uncle about the name for grandson!"


Li Tianyou was dragged over, so close that the two people's faces were about to hit together.

Before Gu Tong found out, he immediately stood up straight and grabbed her: "It's almost time, let's go."

Opening the door and going out, Aunt Li stopped chatting immediately, pressed the call hole, and asked them with a smile: "Are you going out?"

"En..." Li Tianyou nodded, "Then let's go."

Aunt Li chased for a few steps and asked happily, "Will you come back tonight?"

"……Not coming back."

"Good! Good if you don't come back..." Aunt Li smiled.

Walking to the door, Li Tianyou asked again: "Mom, let my dad give me a few days off. We want to go out and play for two days."

"Okay! No problem! Leave it to me, you can rest assured to play! Have fun!"

Let alone put it for a few days, it will be fine for a few weeks! Anyway, this stinky boy fished for three days and spent two days on the net. What's the difference between going to work or not, just make her grandson quickly!

On this day, Aunt Li was very happy wherever she went. The neighbor jokingly asked if there was a happy event in the house, that is, she smiled mysteriously and did not answer.

Happy to be happy, but you can't be blind. This happy event can only be said when it is really confirmed!

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