You For Eternity

Chapter 786: I must have thought I spent the night at your house (3)

After escaping from the house and confirming that the door was closed, Gu Tong let go of Li Tianyou's hand: "It seems that Auntie will be immersed in joy these days, and she will definitely not care where you have gone and whether you return home. Up."

Gu Tong was as easy as completing the task, but did not realize that Li Tianyou was looking at her profile and fell into thought.

"As for you, you don't need to thank me! Thank you for saving me yesterday. This is just a simple effort, and it's not a return of your favor. I owe your favor first. If you need help in the future, I will pay it back!"

"No need." Li Tianyou retracted his gaze.

"Why not? Why are you so polite? Gu Tong has always repaid my gratitude and revenge. What I owe you is what I owe you. Don't be embarrassed to accept it, your hand..." Gu Tong looked at him. It's wrapped in three layers outside, and remembering what I saw last night, shook his head, "Fortunately, you are fine with this hand, otherwise...How can I pay you? The doctor's hand is so precious!"

"Forget it!" Li Tianyou took his hand back, "Anyway, I'm a doctor, but I'm just a name in the hospital. I didn't want to be a doctor since I was a kid, but my dad is a doctor and he is a cousin. Take care of the hospital, what this hospital will hand over to me sooner or later... this life is also quite boring."

"Puff......" Gu Tong couldn't help but smile, "Master, you are used to being rich, and you don't know the suffering of the poor. Be content! Since childhood, you have not worried about food and clothes, how can you look like children from poor families like us? People, you have to worry about future work before you grow up."

Gu Tong held his hands and glanced at him, "Just your life, how many people are looking forward to it? Reincarnation is really a technical job! I won't be envious!"

"How many hard days have you had to make you feel that way?"

"Huh... just leave it! Anyway, it's over, now it's good to go! The mission is complete, let's go!"

Li Tianyou followed her with a strange expression.

If she doesn't say anything, no one will know how bad a life she has, right?

She is a very optimistic girl.

This kind of bold temperament girl is definitely very good to be friends, no wonder the friendship with the sister-in-law can't be instigated by anyone.


The elevator reached this floor. As soon as the door opened, Gu Tong, who was still smiling, instantly changed his expression and widened his eyes: "Oh mom!"

Uncle Li!

Li Yunqing in the elevator was startled when he saw a girl with wide-eyed eyes at the moment the elevator door opened!

Without reacting to anything, Gu Tong suddenly turned around and plunged into Li Tianyou's arms.

"Hey..." Li Tianyou was knocked back several steps abruptly by her, looking dazed.

Just listen to her whispered a few times: "Your father, your father!"

Now I know why she countered.

Gu Tong eagerly grabbed his bandaged palm and hid it between the two bodies. He didn't expect Li Tianyou to be shocked because of how he could hide it.

His hand is being held by her, pressing against a soft part of her body.

This... he does not move, nor does he move! I accidentally twitched my fingers twice, which is a sin!

" are pressing..." He was thinking how to speak.

At this moment, Li Yunqing had already come out of the elevator. He was stunned to see the two of them, but he immediately understood the appearance: Oh...

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