You For Eternity

Chapter 797: Our young master is good everywhere (4)

The sentence on the left of your brother Li, and another sentence of your brother Li, are clearly mocking her.

But Ji Xuan was not angry, she looked away, and the educated talents deserve correction. People like Sheng Ming who have high self-esteem and rely on their own power to oppress and deceive, and talk to him about upbringing, then you have to understand!

People's tempers depend on people. The reason why Li Heng Ji Xuan is a well-behaved little sister next door, who speaks softly, has never seen a tantrum.

That's because he is Li Hengzhi, and he does not treat Ji Xuan the same as Sheng Ming treats her.

Ji Xuan looks soft and weak, like a gentle Xiaojiabiyu, but in fact she is a bit stubborn in her bones.

Ji Xuan thought, why is this son of the Sheng family so idle, sitting in the hotel every day, wasting time?

"Little maid, it's Christmas tomorrow, how will your master spend it? I mean, my sister Chuchu!"

"How does my little grandma get along? What is your business?"

"Hey you—" Sheng Ming turned around as soon as he heard it, "Oh—you lighten it! It hurts!"

He hadn't met a few people who dared to talk to him like this in his life, and this little maid who didn't know the height of the sky was one. And she didn't really think that he was afraid of Li Hengzhi that he wouldn't take her to anything?

He has a lot of grown-ups, so he doesn't care about her little girl!

"The pain is right, Sheng Shao, your muscle is very hard, you have to relax."

"...You really still bluff me?"

"Of course it's true! I have learned massage. Master sometimes gets tired from office. I help him relax with a massage. The technique is comparable to a technician. If you don't believe me, you can try it next time in a massage parlor.

"Really?" Sheng Ming doubted, "Ah... it hurts!"

He shrank all of a sudden.

"Trust me, it's right to have pain, it's fine after the pain, relax."


Sheng Ming screamed endlessly.

Wipe, why does he feel like he has been rectified? !

After the massage, Sheng Ming felt that he was almost a useless person!

very painful!

How can someone who looks very small press so hard!

But... it seems... a little relaxed effect? An illusion?

"Tell me, what does my sister Chuchu like? I have to prepare a Christmas present for her!"

Ji Xuan snorted, "This is for people, just like if the person giving the goods is the young master, she will love it no matter what! As for you..."

"Hey! Little maid! What do you mean by that look? What's wrong with me? People who are looking forward to this young master's gift are in line!"

"Oh, then Young Master Sheng can give it to them. What do you want to do with our young grandma? That is our young master's, you can't take it away.

Sheng Ming squinted his eyes suddenly, "Why do I hate watching you maintain Li Hengzhi? Where is that man?"

"Our young master is good everywhere!"

"Okay, I am very free today, just listen to you to talk about it, what's the best? You count, I listen!"

"That's what you said," Ji Xuan started counting with her fingers. "Good looking, good voice, good figure, good temperament, good character, good company management, good wife marrying——"

"All right!" Sheng Ming interrupted impatiently, "I have everything except no company and no wife!"

Ji Xuan's eyes were obviously a bit contemptuous, and she murmured softly, "I can't agree."

"Pop!" Sheng Ming patted the table: "Say it again to Lao Tzu!"

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