You For Eternity

Chapter 798: Our young master is good everywhere (5)

Ji Xuan shrank her neck because of his sudden madness, looked at Sheng Ming, and said angrily, "Good temper!"

This is in sharp contrast to his current behavior.

"You--" Sheng Ming was not angry, nor was he not angry. He suddenly turned around and took a small box and stuffed it into her arms, "Get good things and get out of here!"


Ji Xuan turned the small box over and found that it was the hottest brand mobile phone at the moment.

"What do you mean?"

Sheng Ming turned around and was still angry with her waist in, and turned her back to her: "Didn't you smash your screen at the hospital that day? I'll pay you!"

"I don't want it." After understanding, Ji Xuan plugged the phone back to him.

"What not? I said that what Sheng Ming said to be compensated will definitely be lost!"

"Then what Ji Xuan said I don't want is don't!" Ji Xuan also learned his tone, "You don't even know what others cherish, what is it called? Show off that you have money? I don't need it. The phone, what you broke is my previous memory, you can't afford it!"

Sheng Ming has never seen such a person who doesn't know how to promote. He turned around, glared at her, raised his hand and poked her head: "I said Ji Xuan, is your brain lacking? How much is that memory worth? ! Just the broken cell phone that your brother Li gave you. What use is it for you to keep it for so many years? If you have the ability to tell him that you like him, you **** him from your young lady! You are robbing it! The mobile phone is here to remember, it's a fart!"

Rough words are not rough.

Even if Sheng Ming's words are reasonable, the audible person will feel uncomfortable.

Ji Xuan had already caught a cold, and when he scolded a few loudly, she suddenly felt even more dizzy.

"I'm not capable!" she said, "I can't grab it, so I won't grab it, I hope they can do it well. Who said that the memory must be two people, can't I remember it unilaterally? I didn't steal it. Rob, the three will not destroy them, I am not in the way of anyone, even if I remember my whole life, I am not sorry for anyone!"

Ji Xuan yelled these few words, which made Sheng Ming stunned.

did not expect……

This little girl film can still have such awareness. He really underestimated her before.

Ji Xuan finished speaking aloud, staggering a step, her head dizzy.

When she staggered back, a hand fell on her waist.

"what is up?"

"I'm fine." Ji Xuan didn't want to have any contact with him, and pushed away his hand.

Sheng Ming was surprised. The short touch made him suspicious. He raised his hand and touched her forehead, which was really hot.

"Did you have a fever?"

"Probably." Ji Xuan pushed him away and stood some distance away.

The dizziness should be due to not eating lunch, low blood sugar.

She has been frail and sick since she was a child, and she has not done much physical work in Li's family, and her body has never been good. As long as you don’t eat a meal, you are prone to hypoglycemia and dizziness.

"Have a cold?"

Not because of him?

No, no! With so many people guarding the gate together, they are all fine, as long as she has something, it is her problem!

However, seeing her puffing on her cheeks, Sheng Ming waved her upset and said, "Fun! Get out! Hurry up and affect my mood!"

With this amnesty, Ji Xuan turned her head and ran before it was too late, so no one would ask why.

I wanted to leave a long time ago, and finally got free!

Looking at the phone in his hand, he shouted, "Hey-little maid! Don't give me the phone for nothing?"

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