You For Eternity

Chapter 805: Never let you go again (3)

Not because of how much physical damage she suffered in it, but because of mental torture.

Despair, worry, prayers day and night, the endless sadness that hopes to reach the end... everything is like something holding her heart and brain.

Because she was worried, she didn't know whether he was alive or dead, the torture, if she didn't see him alive later, she would be driven mad by herself before long.

Thinking and guessing, she was thinking, the calculation he said...

She had guessed that it would not be so coincidental that day, and she was taken to that room by the servant, but she only thought it was Mu Qinxin's strategy, but now listen to his tone...

Could it be that Ye Family is also involved in it? Or, is it his mother?

It's also... what can't the Ye family do? Even if the other party is their biological son, how important is the process in order to achieve a certain goal?

It wasn't something that hurt his life.

Thinking of this, Chu Chu also understood and accepted it.

Chu Chu looked at Ye Yunshen with doubts, shocks, and inexplicable emotions in his eyes.

His hand still held her tightly.

Chu Chu also covered his other hand and said, "Yun Shen, let the past pass, okay? You forget the past, forget me, and start again. If you have to ask why, I can only tell you... it is destiny."

They are destined to come this far.


Ye Yunshen slowly straightened up, turned his face, looked at Chu Chu, his eyes were still red, and he smiled like a self-satisfaction: "Destiny? No, since it is destiny, it can be changed by manpower!"

When he heard these words, Chu Chu felt something was wrong.

Ye Yunshen finally restarted the car, but Chu Chu gradually discovered that the direction of the car was not to the hospital where Ji Xuan was.

At the place where he should turn right, he chose to go straight.

"where are you going?"

Ye Yun looked at the front deeply, his eyes firm, his tone was not as excited as just now, he was calm.

"Chu Chu, I listened to you eight years ago, which caused us to separate. Eight years later, since God returned you to me, then I can't miss this opportunity again! This time, whether you like it or not Well, I won't let you go again!"

Chu Chu opened his eyes wide: "What do you want to do?"

She was pretty sure that he had absolutely no such thoughts when he came. It was stimulated halfway, which led him to make such a decision temporarily.

Therefore, Chu Chu still believes that if he can persuade him, he will not do stupid things.

"Leave here," Ye Yunshen said, "I won't return to Linshui anymore. I don't need anything. Like I said earlier, let's go to a place where no one knows us."

"Don't be crazy!" Chu Chu's voice became louder.

She was not stupid enough to interfere with his driving. In the current peak period, if there is any accident, neither of them can survive, that is not what she wants.

She didn't want to die, let alone him.

"I'm not crazy!" His tone didn't seem crazy, "I'm more awake than ever! I know what I want—that's you."

Chu Chu saw his eyes with determination, just like many years ago when he stood at Ye's house holding her hand and declared to everyone that his wife in this life would only be her Chu Chu.

Exactly the same.

He is not joking, and he is not crazy. This comes from his true heart.

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