You For Eternity

Chapter 806: The positioning sent by Chu Chu?

Chu Chu did not make any dangerous actions in the car. She observed the surroundings of the road. Because of the diversion, she was not on the main road. The driving speed was obviously much faster than before. There were cars about 50 meters before and after, and she kept on the right lane. A car drove past.

Under such speed and road conditions, if you choose to jump, you will definitely die.

She would never do such a stupid behavior.

In addition, Ye Yunshen only wanted to take her away, not to hurt her, which also determined that Chu Chu would not choose to use dangerous methods.

One of her hands slowly reached into her handbag, searching for the location of the phone.

If he can transmit positioning information, Li Hengzhi should feel something.

Unfortunately, the phone rang suddenly at this time, which also attracted Ye Yunshen's attention. He turned his head to see her hand in the bag, and turned her bag upside down with one hand.

Chu Chu wanted to grab it too late, opened the window, and threw her phone out without hesitation.

Chu Chu looked back abruptly, a car ran over her mobile phone, and it was already shattered.

She is not sure, whether she clicked on the positioning system just now.

Chu Chu turned back, frowning at Ye Yunshen's profile.

That face... is obviously the same as it was many years ago, but now he is more mature and indifferent.

He was not like this before...

At least he was not what she knew.

"Do you really regret it?" she asked.

"What do you regret?" Ye Yun snorted, "I regret making such a decision? No. If I let you go, I will regret it for the rest of my life."


In the VIP ward, there were only two people, Ji Xuan and Sheng Ming, staring with big eyes.

It has been a long time since the phone call, but it has been a long time since Chu Chu arrived.

Sheng Ming stood up and wanted to use Ji Xuan's mobile phone to call her again. When Ji Xuan saw this, she suddenly grabbed the mobile phone, looked around, and shoved the mobile phone into her clothes.

Sheng Ming: " are ruthless!"

No way, Sheng Ming had to use his mobile phone to call Chu Chu.


Sheng Ming's tone was a little strange, Ji Xuan looked at him, wanting to ask but not wanting to ask.

However, without Ji Xuan's question, Sheng Ming muttered to himself: "Strange...It's clear, why doesn't it work?"

"What do you mean?"

"It just got through, but suddenly it turned off... Is it dead?"

It’s not uncommon for the phone to run out of power, wait...


A crisp sound of "ding--" seemed a bit unique in the huge conference room, interrupting the planning director who was speaking.

The director looked down silently, should he continue or not?

Because obviously, this voice came from the personal mobile phone in front of their big boss.

Li Hengzhi had lowered his eyebrows at this time, picked up the phone with one hand, his sight was no longer in front of him.

The positioning sent by Chu Chu?

This sudden positioning information made him feel puzzled and felt uncomfortable. He clicked on it, and he was even more surprised.

How could it be there?

If it's an outbound assignment, did you send him a location because his hands slipped?

Li Hengzhi waved to Yan Hai, gave him the phone, and whispered a few words to him.

After receiving the order, Yan Hai went out to make a phone call. After a while, he hurriedly returned to the conference room and leaned in to whisper: "Mr. Li, Mrs. Li's cell phone is turned off."

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