You For Eternity

Chapter 835: Perilous (7)

An explosion destroyed so many things around. At this time, people who heard the sound looked outside and couldn't understand what happened.

The fire was still burning, the car had been blown apart, and body fragments were flying everywhere. People who didn't hide in the right place were still injured by the blast airflow and flying debris.

It is conceivable that if Nianxin couldn't escape, and if she was still in the car just now, there would be no bones left.

The whole process was only one second, and it was quiet again soon. This "stillness" is based on the huge explosion just now.

Only the surviving body was burning, and the flames were crackling.

After Bai Yujing's subordinates reacted, they ran to the car one after another. Where are Erye and Miss Nianxin? ! Has it been...


For a moment, Nianxin felt that all her bones seemed to be shattered. She coughed, and she felt that there was thick smoke and her nose.

Her brain seemed to have been out of service for a while, and now she had regained consciousness, only to realize that the sky was still dark, the flames blazing into the sky, and the various mixed sounds at the scene made her understand that everything just now was not a dream.

She was really almost blown to pieces.

Bai Yujing lay on her, to be precise, he used his body to protect the mind, and she was held tightly.

Nianxin couldn't bear Bai Yujing's weight a bit, and after that explosion and rolling, it was very difficult to breathe.

She coughed a few times and shouted weakly: "Uncle..."

Bai Yujing did not respond to her.

Nianxin's heart suddenly swelled, she turned her head and saw Bai Yujing's face leaning on her shoulder, her eyes closed and unconscious.

Except for some dust on his face, there are no obvious scars.

Seeing this, she felt relieved again, but continued to call him: "Uncle...wake up..."

She is awake, why is he not awake?

Bai Yujing was not awake, so Nianxin pulled out her hand strenuously and pushed him gently.

The warm and sticky feeling from her hand made Nianxin's heart seem to be struck by lightning. She turned her hand slowly, and her hand was shining blood red under the bright moonlight.

"Uncle..." Nianxin was confused, tears burst into her eyes instantly, full of disbelief, "Uncle...Xiaobai, wake up...Don't scare me! Xiaobai! You wake up... oh... …"

Those who came later were also shocked by the scene.

"Second Lord..."

Those who follow their path put their own lives on the tip of a knife every day, saying that they are life and death, but who can really ignore their lives?

Bai Yujing is their leader. If he is like a god, no one can believe that something will happen to him, and everyone is stunned.

Nianxin still cried and reminded them: "Help Xiaobai!"


The bombing in the urban area has attracted the attention of Haicheng police and political circles. Some people say it was a terrorist attack, while others say it was a private retaliation.

On Bai Yujing's side, the news was quickly blocked and reported to the police. Only some of their "passers-by" were accidentally injured by the bombing. He did not even mention that Nianxin was being held hostage.

The police are not vegetarian either. Of course they know that they are not pure passers-by. The car belongs to the Bai family in Jiangchuan. Can this matter have nothing to do with the Bai family?

However, Li Hengzhi specially greeted Director Liang, and this matter was suppressed.

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