You For Eternity

Chapter 836: Crisis (8)

They certainly know what Jiangchuan Bai’s family does, but no matter what they do, this is a headache for Jiangchuan police.

Now things appear within their own jurisdiction, and the follow-up can be handled properly, and others can be ignored. What's more, you can't control it, so why bother?

Haicheng made such a big noise in the middle of the night, and everyone had no sleep. Even Qian Chenghai was awakened in his sleep to understand the situation.

Fortunately, there were only minor injuries on the scene, and no major casualties. Apart from property losses, there was nothing else but a false alarm.

There were no major casualties, and Qian Chenghai didn't have to rush over at night.

But after a while, he received a call from Li Hengzhi, and he explained the situation indirectly.

The incident was in the Glory Hotel, and Li Hengzhi was naturally the first person to know about it. He had just sent Chu Chu home and went out immediately.

After Chu Chu heard that something went wrong on Nianxin's side, she really couldn't help but want to see it.

Now the two children are still in the hospital. If Bai Yujing's enemy is the enemy, they must not have come alone. Will the children be in danger?

Even so, Li Hengzhi did not allow her to go out, with a serious expression: "You have been tossed about Ye Yunshen's affairs for long enough today. You can't stand still. Who else do you want to see? Take care of yourself first. "

"But I'm worried about Qianyi and Weiyang--"

"What can you think of, can I not think of it?" Li Hengzhi stroked her forehead and kissed, "Don't worry, I will bring Qianyi and Wei Young back together."

Wei Young's fever has also gone, and now there is a sudden accident, Bai Yujing is seriously injured, life or death is uncertain, Nianxin is afraid it will be difficult to bother.

It is more appropriate to take Wei Young back and let Chu Chu take care of it for a few days.



Li Hengzhi rushed to the hospital, and went to the children's ward for a look at the first time. Zhan Yan still stuck to his post, and he never left half a step after such a big event happened.

Because he knew that the people inside were the people the second master had said must be protected.

Therefore, when the incident happened, he did not mobilize anyone near the hospital.

At that time, some subordinates proposed to go to Erye's first, but he rejected all the opinions and told them boldly: Unless Erye personally said that he didn't need to guard, no one could leave his post! Those who leave without authorization shall not re-enter the white house for life.

This white family is not the other white family.

Zhan Yan is one of Bai Yujing's most trusted cronies. He came to Haicheng with only one of his cronies. He left him here to protect Wei Young's safety, which shows that he attaches great importance to Wei Young.

Li Hengzhi loosened his brow slightly.

However, it's useless to know this. He doesn't know what the future will be like.

Li Hengzhi also sent additional manpower nearby.

Make sure the children are okay, Li Hengzhi went to the operating room.

Bai Yujing is still undergoing surgery inside.

Before he came, he had asked relevant personnel. The preliminary conclusion was that he was too close to the source of the explosion during the explosion. There were extensive burns on his back, several broken ribs, broken bones pierced the internal organs, and water in the lungs, which was life-threatening. .

Nianxin sat alone on the ground outside the operating room.

With his legs bent, his hands on his knees, and his chin resting on his head, the whole person looks dull.

There was blood on her body, but Li Hengzhi knew that it was not her blood, but Bai Yujing's.

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