You For Eternity

Chapter 852: I died once? (3)

Bai Yujing's hand was held tightly by Nianxin. Her hand was too small, and she placed it in his big palm, just like a child's hand, small and cute.

It's still warm.

He looked around, thinking about getting up and taking a look, but found that his limbs were weak, and he couldn't use his strength at all. There was a faint pain in all parts of his body, and his back was even hotter.

He knew that he must have never escaped the explosion. At least he was burned, and he didn't die...

This is something he didn't expect.

I thought I was really going to report in the Palace of the King of Gods.

When he couldn't get up, he gave it up. When he turned his gaze back to Nianxin, he found that her expression had changed, the smile on the corner of her mouth disappeared, and her eyebrows were tightly frowned.

"Xiao Bai!" She yelled and straightened up abruptly.

She looked at the scenery ahead and realized that she had only had a nightmare, not real.

She dreamed of the night when he had a cardiac arrest a few days ago, but there was no rescue in the dream. The number was always zero, and he would not respond to her no matter how she cried.

Nian Xin Xin turned her head with lingering fears, and saw that Bai Yujing was still lying there asleep. She sighed with great relief and patted her heart.

Great... Xiaobai is fine.

Really scared to death.

Such sequelae will heal only after a long time.

Looking around, Nianxin's eyes reddened unconsciously, and she suddenly grabbed his hand and took a bite on his palm.

Bai Yujing almost opened his eyes with pain.

The next second, the back of his hand was warm.

Nianxin sees that he is still awake, and the depression for a long time has not been discovered. No matter what the situation is, he cried: "Why are you still awake... It has been so many days, you don't know that we are all worried about you. Do you have to die?"

After just cursing a few words, Nianxin grabbed his hand and lay down, crying a little collapsed: "I really know that I was wrong, uncle...Don't be angry with me anymore...I will listen to you in the future. Ok? As long as you wake up, I promise you won't get into trouble again... I won't be able to survive if you don't wake up...Woo..."

In fact, Bai Yujing's hand moved, but Nianxin cried with excitement, as if she didn't notice it at all.

He looked at Nianxin crying so pitifully, and wanted to tell her that he was awake, but probably because of the long sleep, there seemed to be something stuck in his throat, making it difficult to make a sound.

"Believe it or not, if you don't wake up, I'll go into a catastrophe. My grandfather can't save me from a catastrophe. Let that person beat me to death! Anyway, you won't wake up anymore. No one will help me. Just watch me die!"

In the end, she was completely talking nonsense and venting.

Bai Yujing seemed to have seen the little girl from many years ago again.

"I almost lost my life to save you. You just died like that. Don't you think I can't get up from lying here?"

Nian Xin was taken aback.

She didn't seem to believe her ears, and her expression was shocked when she raised her head.

She looked at Bai Yujing again and again, rubbed her eyes, pinched her own face, and confirmed that she was not dreaming. She was so happy that she burst into tears, and suddenly rushed over: "Woo... Xiaobai, you finally woke up..."

Nianxin didn't have much weight. He didn't feel burdened even if he was injured. She just lay on his body like this, holding him with both hands, and hot tears fell on his neck.

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