You For Eternity

Chapter 853: I died once? (4)

She was really frightened, her whole body was shaking.

Now, there is a sense of joy that is lost and recovered.

As if thinking of something, Nianxin got up immediately after reacting and wiped away her tears.

She seemed to hold back her inner joy, and returned to her previous appearance: "It's great that you wake up, uncle."

Bai Yujing could see that she was the real her just now, but now she has put on that layer of protection again.

He probably knew what she was hiding.

"Well, I worry you guys."

"I'll call a doctor!"

Nian Xin turned around to go out.

At this moment, Bai Yujing grabbed her hand: "Wait first."


Bai Yujing looked at her from top to bottom and said, "Are you okay?"

"Someone protects me as if I have a golden bell covering him. How could I be wrong?"

"Just fine."

It's a dream.

Realistic thoughts look good, and they are not hurt anywhere.

"I thought it was so dead."

Unexpectedly, opening his eyes is still in this world.

"How long did I sleep?"

"It's been four days! The past few days have been fine. The first day was often critically ill, and there was a cardiac arrest, which almost stopped everyone's hearts!"

"Dead once?" He closed his eyes, thinking about something.

In this way, his body has been floating in a certain direction, what is actually saying?

"Yes," Nianxin said with a lingering fear, "It's been almost a minute since he died."

"That's not too long." Bai Yujing himself said now, but in a faint tone.

"Not too long?" Nianxin's eyes widened when she heard it, "How long are you thinking about? One hour?"

Then her heart should stop!

For a minute, she almost broke her nerves!

There have been people in the world whose heart can be saved for three hours, but that is an example, a miracle, and drowning, which is different from a person like him who wanders about by external force.

Nianxin stood there, remembering the mess of crying that she had just made, and only now regretted it. Did he hear all her nonsense...

Bai Yujing looked at the ceiling and said, "Did you call me at that time?"

"What?" Nianxin didn't keep up with his thinking for a while.

"When I died," he said, "I seemed to hear you calling me, and you asked me to come back."

So in that darkness, he followed her sound source, and finally fell into a blank.

Is he coming back after turning around the ghost gate because of Nianxin's cry?

Nian Xin stood there blankly, not knowing how to answer.

Yes, she called him back so sadly, so did he come back?

If she didn't rush in at that time, would he not come back?

No one knows.

Zhan Yan returned to the ward and was shocked when he saw this scene: "Er Ye awoke?!"

"En!" Nianxin turned her head and smiled at him, "woke up."

"I'll go and notify Lord Bai! And call a doctor!"

Seeing Zhan Yan, Bai Yujing asked, "How is everything in the Bai family?"

"Very good, your eldest brother Baodao is not old, you are almost dead and he can stand up, and he is still thinking about how to deal with the Bai family, so you don't need to worry.

"Big brother is not old, he only fought me when he was tired, and that was your father," Bai Yujing said sternly, "I just said that as long as I wake up, everything will be subject to me? Does it matter?"

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