You For Eternity

Chapter 880: Red hand rope of fate (1)

"Besides, isn't there still my mother? My mother raised me so much, and I haven't taken her out to play. She will be very happy!"

"I think, if you take another person, Auntie will be happier."

Gu Tong pretended to be stupid: "Wh...what..."

Finally, Lynn and the others couldn't help covering their mouths and laughing.

In fact, Li Tianyou had been listening to their conversation. At this moment, he walked to Gu Tong's right and took her hand upright.

Gu Tong turned his head and stared at him, motioning for him to let go.

Not only did Li Tianyou not let go, but also interlocked his fingers, and said with a smile: "Don't hide it, do you think they don't know? I guess they have been hiding somewhere just now, isn't it? Cousin?"

"...Where is it!" Chu Chu quibbleed, "I didn't see anything! Did I?"

Lynn and the others nodded: "Yeah, yeah! We didn't see anything! We really didn't see a bit!"

"..." Gu Tong was speechless, each of them wanted to be covered!

Finally arrived at the last tense lottery draw. Everyone held their breath and waited for the birth of the grand prize. After all, it was a three-day and three-night paid vacation. It is said that if you don't want to go, you can get a 50% discount.

For the final prize, family members are not allowed to draw. The TV station only prepares the number of employees participating in the annual meeting. If there are more, they will be left to the family members to match at random.

At this point, everyone has gotten the lottery ticket.

Chu Chu said, "If I were drawn, I'm afraid everyone would think it was a black box."

As a small gift from the TV station to Si Ye...?

Although it doesn't mean this, it is inevitable that some people will think so.

Gu Tong carefully started from the last word, and when he saw the word "award", he was already excited: "There is a prize! That is at least an encouragement prize! Excited!"

The lowest is the encouragement prize. There is a 50% chance of getting a New Year red envelope from a TV station. Random, the lowest is eight yuan, and the highest is 8888.

Chu Chu didn't take it apart, waiting to see what Gu Tong pulled out.

One more word: "It's ‘wait’!"

At least it is a third prize.

However, what I finally opened and saw was a simple one, that is to say, a first prize, the prize is the latest mobile phone.

"Ah..." Gu Tong felt a little disappointed in her heart.

Why not travel...

If it's normal, she will jump up with joy, it's a mobile phone in vain, then luck is already bursting! But today... I feel a little pity inexplicably.

"The first prize is great, it's better than nothing, how good!"

"That's right, I just want to change my phone!" The optimistic Gu Tong laughed immediately, "Chu Chu, take a look at you."

Chu Chu is very simple, because she has no desire for all awards. Probably because the small episode in the middle disturbed her mood, so she opened the lottery ticket directly.

Once opened, dumbfounded.

"Fuck..." Gu Tong exclaimed as he stared, "Chu Chu, what is your hand! The one with the least chance of being drawn every time!"

Chu Chu also broke accidentally.

I just said don’t get it, lest you be called a black box...

It's really a lottery ticket for a three-day and three-night Sun Island tour...

Then Chu Chu thought that he was lucky to draw the prize, otherwise, how could he win the super prize of Li Hengzhi in the crowd?

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