You For Eternity

Chapter 881: Red hand rope of fate (2)

He is the most meaningful and valuable prize she has drawn.

Thinking of this, he laughed happily.

Forget it! Anyway, he is the best general in the audience, he should be very happy!

Li Tianyou also had a long experience, and said with a smile: "Cousin, I advise you to hurry up and buy a lottery ticket, maybe you can win 10 million prizes! Go rich, don't forget each other."

"Yes, yes! Go buy it! I don't ask too much, just take me to travel the world with me! My lifelong dream is to leave Gu Tong's footprints in famous tourist attractions all over the world!"

Chu Chu looked at Li Tianyou silently and smiled: "It will take a lifetime? Marrying the right person is a matter of minutes, don't you think, God?"

"My cousin is right."

Gu Tong glared at her.

He just started to fall in love, who wants to talk to him about marriage?

Li Tianyou lowered his head and leaned close to Gu Tong's face and said, "Beauty, I have a car, a house and a deposit. Would you like to think about it?"

"Oh...!" Lynn took the lead in booing, "Sister Tong, if you don't want such a good condition, just leave it to me!"

"Then I'll give it to you!" Gu Tong ran to Chu Chu as if running away.

Lin En laughed and said, "Then Master Li doesn't want me either."

Gu Tong changed the subject: "Chu Chu, you can go on your honeymoon with the big boss!"

Lynn and the others didn't know the inside story, and they looked confused: "Honeymoon?"

Honeymoon after five years of marriage?

"Slip of the word, go ahead for your wedding anniversary!"

So they will understand.

"I have to discuss with him first. If something happens to him, let us go." Chu Chu deliberately.

"Okay!" Gu Tong agreed, "I want to go to Sun Island for a long time!"

In fact, Chu Chu had already decided, and turned around and secretly handed this exchange voucher to Tianyou, so that he would take Tongtong to play.

Compared with her and Li Hengzhi, Tongtong and Tianyou need to be one step closer.


When Gu Tong went to the bathroom, Chu Chu found a gap and walked to Tianyou's side, handed him the lottery ticket, and said with a smile, "Little cousin Wuli, my cousin will give you a gift. Take Tongtong to Sun Island. Have fun for three days, don’t let your cousin and cousin expect you! Come on!"

He blinked after speaking.

She had just mentioned it to Li Hengzhi, and he agreed without thinking about it.

Originally this kind of lottery was nothing to him, if he really wanted to go, he would naturally take her there. But Tongtong and God you need an opportunity.

Not to mention it was given to God, even if it was given to passers-by, he would not care.

"No need for cousin," Li Tianyou lowered his head and looked at the phone, wondering what he was muttering. "You can talk to cousin, go."

"Why not?" Chu Chu was puzzled, "We are creating better opportunities for you. Being alone with the two can increase the relationship! If you marry Tong Tong back sooner, we both will worry about it!"

He was not emotional before, but now that he is emotional, he can see that he doesn't just want to play, he is about the same age, and listening to what he said just now, he intends to get married with Tongtong.

Then she was relieved.

Li Tianyou did not answer, but turned his mobile phone over.

Chu Chu glanced at the phone screen, "Sun Island Hotel reservation interface?"

Li Tianyou clicked the OK button and smiled slightly: "How about the same flight as you, departure at the same time, and the same hotel?"

Chu Chu blinked and gave a thumbs up: "Yes, Li Tianyou! You should have chased Tongtong so early!"

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