You For Eternity

Chapter 899: Passing by your world (4)

This is also the first New Year's Eve for the three of them. He didn't see the birth of Qianyi with his own eyes. It was his regret, but today this scene has instead become the best picture in his memory.

Li Hengzhi looked at his incredibly well-behaved son who had just woke up in his arms, touched his soft face and said, "cheri, although I have not been able to participate in your life for the past four years, you have lost that father. Love, but I promise, I will watch you grow up slowly in the future."

Chu Chu looked at the harmonious scene of the two father and son looking at each other with his head propped up, and was full of emotion.

Although she regrets not telling him what she did in the past, I am afraid that she will choose the same path again with fear.

One is the present and the other is the unknown future, she will choose some.

Besides, I can’t go back to the past. It’s useless to regret it. I’m very happy now, isn’t it?

Thinking of this, she smiled, no longer worrying about him not having been with Qianyi for so many years.

The three people sat together, without much words, watching the fireworks feast quietly.

There were also twos and threes who watched the fireworks at the scene. Not many. More people are participating in the grand New Year’s Eve activities. It sounds very hi, even here you can hear cheers from time to time. Especially now that has just crossed the zero point.

Compared to participating in those lively scenes, Chu Chu prefers to sit here with her husband and son and watch the fireworks quietly.

Zero o'clock was actually very late for Qianyi. After watching with his eyes open for a while, he leaned back in Li Hengzhi's arms and fell asleep again. Later, the fireworks could not wake him up again.

"It's really lively inside...but I always seem to like places with few people."

Chu Chu's eyes smiled into crescent moons, watching the sky full of fireworks, his thoughts ran a little far away.

She suddenly remembered that year, after she and Ye Yun fell in love, the New Year together.

That was the only time they spent the New Year together, away from the hustle and bustle of the city, and in the dead of night, the two ran to Dongshan alone, sat on the top of the mountain, watching the fireworks blooming in the sky.

After all these years, things have changed.

Humans are not machines, so she can't delete some of her memories with one click, she always touches the scene.

Probably... these memories are too deep.

Li Hengzhi also noticed her distraction, raised his hand and flicked her forehead.

"Aw!" Chu Chu was so painful that he immediately returned to his senses, feeling aggrieved.

"Wife, don't tell me that someone is sitting next to me, my heart ran to other men."

Because in terms of time, she and Ye Yunshen spent a year together after being together. She stared at these fireworks in a daze. Was it because she was in love with the scene, and then she remembered something?

"Where is..." Scared, you can guess this!

"No?" Li Hengzhi narrowed his eyes and looked at him threateningly.

"... Okay..." Chu Chu pouted her lips and admitted obediently, "We went to Dongshan to watch the fireworks together."

"How old are you?" Li Hengzhi frowned, and taught her seriously, "It's hard to study at a young age, and fall in love early! I ran to New Year's Eve in the middle of the night."

"People have to study hard, it will be done after one time, there is no need to read and remember."

Li Hengzhi snorted, really hard to grasp in study.

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