You For Eternity

Chapter 900: Passing by your world (5)

He has seen this girl's grades during school, the first by the door, and the first time after time. From this, it is not a strange thing that Qianyi inherited their excellent IQ genes.

"What did you do?" Li Hengzhi was like a long question.

"Uh..." Chu Chu looked at the sky and tried to change the subject, "Look, my husband, the fireworks are so beautiful."

Li Heng pinched her chin with one hand, turned her face back, and looked at it quietly.

So Chu Chu turned his gaze to another place again, and said, "Just... took the little hand..."

Li Hengzhi's big hand immediately held her, fingers interlocked, and raised him and asked, "Like this?"

"Yeah... yeah!" He smiled.

"anything else?"

"No, no more! Watch the fireworks!"

Li Hengzhi's eyes were obviously distrustful, as if to say: Lord, give you another chance.

Mumbled: "Just... I kissed my little mouth... Um..."

Chu Chu's body was suddenly pulled in front of him, and his waist was clasped by his big palm, grabbing her lips.

On such a beautiful night, everyone is watching the fireworks and doing their own things. They are just an ordinary couple among them, and no one notices them.

That kiss, from the aggressiveness at the beginning, slowly became tender, affectionate, and deeply... as if to melt her into her body.

Chu Chu responded to the kiss and enthusiastically carved a mark with him under the fireworks background wall.

Li Hengzhi bit her lips as an announcement of the end, his eyes were extremely dangerous: "More?"

"No! No more! This time it's really gone! Just watch the fireworks and go home." Chu Chu looked at her firmly and blinked.

It really wasn't anymore. At that time she was a minor and Ye Yunshen couldn't do that to her.

Li Hengzhi gave up and said: "In the future, what he did with you, I will do it, and what he has not done with you, I will do it too. I want to cover his memory in your mind so that you When I see fireworks on such days, the person I think of is me."

Chu Chu Wuming admired: "Husband, you are so smart! That's great! Just like it!" He raised two thumbs and smiled.

"……Ha ha."

The corners of his mouth twitched, but in the end, he smiled at her wonderful smile.

So cute.


The new year has come. The dance floor is full of cheering people, DJs play music that can inspire the atmosphere, and everyone dances on the dance floor ecstatically.

Whether you can or can't jump, the important thing is the active atmosphere, just follow the twist and it's fine.

Everyone played for a while, the legendary 18th line artist finally took the stage.

Because it's just an unknown artist, most of them don't seem to know, looking blankly at the so-called warmer tonight.

Fortunately, this 18-line artist looks very good-looking, and his figure is also hot. No one is cheering at the moment, and one after another booed.

But there are a very small number of people who recognize this eighteenth line artist named Shi Wei.

It seems that the mixed entertainment industry has been around for some years, and the face is very good, not popular, and has a memory point. It is the kind of entertainer who is amazing and can leave a deep memory at a glance. He has also participated in some TV shows, but I don't know if it is due to bad luck or something, but it hasn't been prosperous, and I'm eating out of the 18th lane.

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