You For Eternity

Chapter 906: Xiaobai is going to eat people (5)

At this moment, a car drove past where the child was standing.

Although the speed is not fast, the child will at least be injured if he is hit.

The severity of the injury depends on the condition of the collision.

Zhan Yan's heart is about to jump out of his throat!

I almost thought it was too late, but fortunately, before the car arrived, Xiao Weiyang was rescued.

Wei Yang was stunned. She was protected by Zhan Yan, unscathed, but she may also be a little bit painful. His brows frowned and his mouth curled: "Uncle... Pain..."

Zhan Yan was frightened and looked at her hand hurriedly, "Where does it hurt? Is it here?"

No more fractures...

He is so heavy, weighing on a child, I'm afraid...

Wei Young was still crying, but suddenly saw the scratches on the back of Zhan Yan's hand, there was blood, a pair of bright eyes widened, and he pointed to his injured place in surprise and said: "Woo!"

Wuwu is Weiyang's term, her expression of injury.

Zhan Yan glanced, and seemed to understand: "No."

Wei Young seems to have forgotten the pain, or just habitually yelled twice. At this moment, Zhan Yan was injured. The little fleshy hand grabbed his hand and took a mouthful near the place where he scratched. Little angel: "Boom, no more."

When she was injured, Nianxin comforted her like this.

The heart melted suddenly.

At that time, Zhan Yan suddenly reacted, he be able to touch the child!


In the afternoon, Nian Xin led Wei Young to eat a snack. Wei Yang thought of Xiao Bai in her heart, and told her that she would bring some delicious cakes to Xiao Bai to eat.

Nianxin told her: "Xiaobai doesn't like sweets, so I don't need to bring them to him."

"Why! The cake is so delicious!"

"Just because you don't like taking medicine."

"Pharmaceuticals are bitter!" The little girl's arrogant appearance made Nianxin feel a little funny.

Well, when she didn't take medicine when she was sick, it looked like when she and Xiaobai tried to avoid taking medicine based on reason.

After eating desserts, the little girl still insisted that Xiaobai liked cakes, so she bought one and took it home. Nianxin didn't reveal her, she must have bought it when she wanted to eat!

Really, let her be smart again!

Wei Yang, who was very happy to see that she bought a little cake, hummed all the way back.

"Mom, Brother Qianyi is going to have dinner at grandma's house tonight, why can't I go?" The little girl bounced all the way.

The grandmother is Aunt Li. The little girl can't remember so many names, so she just yelled at random. Anyway, no one knows it so clearly now, maybe it's just that.


Because no one in the Li family knew about Wei Young's existence except his brother.

Qianyi also accidentally mentioned Aunt Li, and Xiao Weiyang knew that there was a grandparent. However, Nian Xin has not taken Wei Young to her uncle's house yet.

When my uncle knows it, I'm afraid that if I missed it on my mother's side, it won't be far away from the Bai family.

Now my brother and my uncle would hide it for her.

She intends to take one step and count one step. Whatever can be concealed will be counted, and she will think about it after exposure.

Now when entering Xiaobai's ward, Nianxin went in directly with Wei Young, and there was no need to report to him. As soon as he entered the ward, Zhan Yan came out, and Chong Nianxin winked.

At first Nianxin didn't understand it, but later she almost understood that when she was asked to go out first, Wei Young had already said, "Oh! Mom, not uncle!"

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