You For Eternity

Chapter 907: Xiaobai is going to eat people (6)

Zhan Yan's expression suddenly became very bad.

Nianxin's expression also became a little weird and added the meaning of "broken", because Zhan Yan was like this, something must have happened.

"Nianxin is back?"

Nianxin has swallowed first.

How does she feel...

Uncle's tone sounds wrong? What happened so serious?

Zhan Yan leaned over and said quietly, reminding her: "Don't talk back, admit your mistakes."

Zhan Yan knows the second master's temperament, although sometimes fierce, but sincerely good towards Miss Nianxin. In the past, Miss Nianxin made a big mistake, as long as she obediently admits a mistake, the second master will be fine if he loses his breath. Even if this matter is turned over, she will never take it to heart.

So Zhan Yan gave her this reminder, which was simply summed up as, as long as you don't anger the second master, it will be fine.

Weiyang carried the little cake and ran in: "Xiao Bai! Cake! Um..."

After Wei Young ran in, she stopped suddenly, stepped back and blinked her cute eyes: "Xiaobai, are you swollen...good PIA...mother..."

She turned to look at Nianxin and asked for help.

Bai Yujing didn't even give Weiyang any face this time: "Weiyang go out."

Nianxin didn't know what was going on, so she let Wei Young go out first: "Listen to the little grandpa, go out first."

"Mom, too..." Wei Young hugged her thigh, "Xiao Bai is going to eat people..."

"No, I'll go out with my uncle first, mother and grandpa will talk something."

Zhan Yan came in and forcibly pulled Xiao Weiyang out: "Mom~Xiaobai, don't eat mom..."

Zhan Yan couldn't laugh or cry.

Of course I can’t eat it, but... Miss Nianxin is going to suffer this time.

As soon as the door closed, Nianxin laughed: "What's the matter, uncle..."

"What's wrong?" Bai Yujing asked these three words back. "You dare to ask me what's wrong?"

Nian Xin was trembling in her heart. She had never seen her uncle look so terrible.

"Look at this! Come tell me what's wrong!"

A tablet was thrown on the bed.

Nianxin didn't even pick it up to look at it, but saw that the picture displayed on the screen was when she kneeled to Lan Ye last night.

It was a video. At the beginning, she was kneeling, so she might not have been photographed before. It was a sneak shot. Although the angle is not very clear, it is still enough to see. That person is right.

Lan Ye turned his back to the candid shooter, but others may not recognize it, but Bai Yujing could tell at a glance that besides Lan Ye, that person would not be anyone else.

What's more, after this video, there are several photos of them going to the Haicheng International Hotel together, which is enough to prove that the person is Lan Ye.

Because I recognized that the person involved was the great-grandson of the Bai family, such a hot event was originally intended to break the news, but was stopped by a network that Bai Yujing knew well, and sent someone to return it to him, so it did not spread.

"I asked you in the morning how did you answer me?" Bai Yujing frowned, angrily, "Passing by? Coincidence? That's how you summed up what happened yesterday to me? Bai Nianxin, you are so bold! In your eyes Do you still treat me as your uncle?!"

How could Nianxin think that what happened last night was actually photographed by someone with a heart. She stared at all this in a daze, bowed her head slightly, and said nothing.

As Zhan Yan said, there is no excuse for this matter, just admit the mistake.

"Sorry, uncle..."

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