You For Eternity

Chapter 908: The heavy truth (1)

"Sorry, uncle..."

"I'm sorry? I'm the one you're sorry?" Bai Yujing's tone was abnormally vicious, "Bai Nianxin, the person you're sorry is yourself! Why don't you tell me that you have to be good when something has happened? Lan Ye dared to bully you on the head, why did you swallow your anger? Do you think I will not vent your anger for you, or do you think I will stand by and watch Wei Young no matter what happens?"

"Lan Ye is a lunatic! What if he gets crazy and wants to kill Weiyang!" Nianxin raised her head, with red ground in her eyes, "I'm afraid...Weiyang is my life, how can I let her have an accident! Everyone is celebrating the New Year happily, not to mention that you will no longer be my uncle in the future, can I still bother you?"

When he was in a coma, she had sworn to God that as long as this time he turned the crisis into peace, she would never pester him again, she would stay away from him.

She thought...

She thought that all this was fate, Lan Ye who just appeared, and the conditions that happened, she might give herself to others, and she would no longer think about Xiao Bai.

Maybe it can?

"What does it mean to bother me? You don't talk to me if such a big thing happens! Even if I marry Lan Fei and give birth to a child, you will still be my niece in vain. Your business is my business, I I want to see, who is so bold to stop me from taking care of you!"

Nian Xin was startled when she heard these words.

She didn't know why she was tortured.

He can't like her, but he wants to protect her and love her in the name of his uncle. How can he let her go? Her heart has already become rotten, how can it be possible to treat such a problem correctly?

"It's over, it's okay anyway, can't this matter be treated as if it didn't happen?" Nianxin gritted her teeth and said.

"As if it didn't happen? You told me to do nothing after knowing the truth that it didn't happen?! Bai Nianxin! You exchanged your body for the safety of Wei Young! How did you make me think it didn't happen!" Bai Yujing just knew this The matter is already angry.

If it wasn't for his body that hasn't recovered yet, there would be no way at all, he would have already personally caught Lan Ye back!

"You don’t cherish your body like this, and use it as a trifle! I don’t plan to ask you about Weiyang. Are you still addicted to it? Do you think it’s your own body? How do you use it? , I can't control you?"

Bai Yujing was angry and terrible.

Nian Xin had never seen him like this before, and her heart was shocked quickly.

Of course she was also sad in her heart, sniffed and looked at him who was angry and said: "Uncle...Don't be angry, I promise there won't be another time."

His immunity is too weak now. The doctors said he should take a good rest. He can’t listen to these stimuli. Now he is so angry that his adrenaline is soaring. Knowing that if he continues to argue, it will only make his situation worse. Swallowing grievances, bowed his head and said nothing.

"That is, I know this first. If the eldest brother knows that you soil his body over and over again, he must break your leg!"

Nian Xin was stunned.


In the whole sentence, she heard the word "dirty".

Nianxin slowly raised her head, the tears in her eyes had rolled: "So in my uncle's heart, am I dirty?"

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