You For Eternity

Chapter 909: The heavy truth (2)

It doesn't matter if anyone else said this to her, but the word came from Xiao Bai's mouth.

Nianxin's heart seemed to sink into a deep pool all at once, in darkness, and no light could be seen.

Bai Yujing was taken aback.

Did he use that word in that sentence?

He was about to think about it again, when he heard Nian Xin smile and say: "I know... You helped me conceal this because I was afraid that I would lose your face and the Bai family's face after it was spread, right? ?"

"Nianxin, I—"

The angry thing has long been forgotten, and he is a bit panic at this time.

Why is he so confused and talking nonsense?

He usually doesn't do this, and when the sky falls, he won't be so messed up, but just because thoughts are involved, he feels completely changed.

Nianxin raised her hand and wiped her tears: "Don't worry, uncle, even if I die, I won't drag your Bai family. No one will lose the Bai family. Before that, I will definitely break away from you. "

"Bai Nianxin!" Bai Yujing frowned, and got off the bed with difficulty. "You are not allowed to think like this! I was frustrated just now, just talking nonsense. If you are angry, just hit me and hit me until you calm down, but you can't Have that thought!"

He got off the ground and moved, and the burning sensation in his back seemed to burn him.

A week has passed, and his recovery is many times faster than the doctor thought, but it is impossible to heal in a blink of an eye.

He took a step forward, and Nianxin took two steps back in fear, tears sullenly falling: "Uncle...Isn’t there a cleanliness? How can I touch you when I am so dirty...I won’t come again in the future. , I will take Wei Young far away from you."

"Nianxin!" Bai Yujing endured the pain in her body and continued walking towards her, "Stop talking, I apologize to you!"

"You don't need to apologize..." Nianxin's tears kept streaming, and she smiled, making people feel more distressed, "That's all the truth...I also feel dirty...but I have forgotten all these years. It’s just tricking myself into being optimistic... Uncle you reminded me."

"Sorry Nianxin!"

The child cried so heartbreakingly, and the person who made her cry was the self who made her short speech.

Seeing her like this, Bai Yujing's heart felt as if he had been strangled by a knife, and it was so painful.

He wanted to walk to her quickly, but he was powerless, and he couldn't move his body.

Nianxin still looked at him with tears, heartache: "Uncle, don't you want to know...who is that man? I don't know...I really don't know...I don't even know that four years ago. Who is the man who took away my innocence! Who caused me to lose my body, who made me pregnant, who ruined my whole life, so that I can no longer face you properly...

"Why should I run, because I'm afraid of being hurt by you? No... I think I am dirty, my brother is obsessed with cleanliness, and usually doesn't touch anything dusty, so he won't touch me... if he is Knowing that I am committed to a man who doesn't know who it is, he will never like me again..."


Bai Yujing was anxious, tripped under his feet and fell to the ground.

"Uncle!" After seeing this scene, Mind, who was about to retreat, reflexively wanted to help him up, and when he touched it, he remembered what had happened before and shook his head to retreat.

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