You For Eternity

Chapter 911: The heavy truth (4)

Zhan Yan finally made Wei Young's noise, so she ran in.

After that, the little girl found that two people were sitting on the ground, and her mother was still crying. She ran over and gave Bai Yujing a beat: "Bad boy! Bad Xiaobai! You bully my mother! I hate you! I don't like you! "

The little girl's small fist can have some strength, and it doesn't hurt or itchy to hit him.

Just looking at the appearance of Xiao Weiyang's mother guarding her, she felt a bit funny and at the same time feeling warm.

She didn't know the danger, only knew that her mother was being bullied and crying. No matter how terrible the other party is, she must use all her strength to protect.

Bai Yujing beat her with her, and said, "With you protecting your mother like this, I believe no one will dare to bully her."

Feeling embarrassed, Nianxin wiped her tears and took her daughter back: "My daughter, my grandfather didn't bully her mother."

Weiyang's mouth slammed, obviously a little disbelief, she had seen it because she was very fierce just now!



Wei Young hesitated a few times, probably because he felt that he had called the wrong person. He muttered and glanced at Bai Yujing, then handed him the little cake: "Little Bai for you."

"I don't eat cake, give it to my daughter."

Wei Young, who saved the cake, was very happy.

Zhan Yan came in and helped Bai Yujing back onto the bed.

Nianxin really felt embarrassed at the scene, she was crying endlessly like a child, and she lost her hair!

She hurried out with Wei Young, and went out to calm down.


There was no one in Bai Yujing's room at this time, and even Zhan Yan had gone out.

He leaned, closing his eyes and thinking about something.

After thinking about it, he understood that the only person who knew the whole story was Li Hengzhi.

And Li Hengzhi, after knowing that Bai Yujing also knew some truths, and adding that he saved Nianxin with his life this time, he changed his view of him, and finally chose to tell him what happened back then.

After knowing all the truth, Bai Yujing felt very heavy.

Four years ago, Nianxin was eighteen years old. Just like the big point he remembered, Nianxin flew to Jiangchuan to find him after the exam, and happily asked him to have dinner with him.

In this way, he also vaguely remembered some smaller details.

Nianxin did come to him that day, because he was too busy to take care of her. The neglected mind didn't pay attention to it, and said happily that he should take up a position first, and then go there when he is finished.

Bai Yujing deserved to be perfunctory at the time, Nian Xin didn't pay attention, and he himself did.

The matter is in this middle section.

His mobile phone is charging, and the mute has not been turned back. Nianxin has sent a lot of messages and made a lot of calls to urge him to go to the appointment, but he didn't see it at all.

When everything was almost done, I was in a daze and remembered that something was missing.

At that time, Zhan Yan just came in, so she asked him, Zhan Yan said: Miss Nianxin seems to have been here.

Only then did Bai Yujing remember that Nianxin had indeed come!

He was too busy to talk to her. He hadn't been out of the study for a few hours, thinking that the appearance of Nianxin was just an illusion of himself.

Looking at the phone again, there are so many messages and missed calls, but no one answers the call.

He rushed to the restaurant she was talking about. The owner of the restaurant said that there was indeed a girl who had waited for a long time, but then she gave up when she couldn't wait.

But until today, he thought she was just angry because of his missed appointment, he didn't expect...

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