You For Eternity

Chapter 912: Young Master is a guest with us (1)

I didn't expect Nianxin to suffer an experience she shouldn't have suffered during that time.

If he pays more attention, if he adjusts the phone back to normal, if he can remember that there is still someone waiting for him, everything after that...

Will never happen.

Now that I think about it again, that night Nianxin said goodbye to him in such a cold tone as if he had changed. This scene made him sore that his heart exploded.

It was my own negligence that caused the mind to be violated.

The first time she went back to Haicheng, she didn’t even contact her brother until he found that Nianxin seemed to be missing, and started searching frantically. When she found her in her student apartment, she hadn’t eaten or drink for several days. As if to be breathless.

After Nian Xin came back from the rescue, seeing Li Hengzhi, it seemed as if he had finally recovered, broke out grievances, and cried out his experience.

However, many days have passed. When Li Hengzhi went to Jiangchuan to inquire, the clues had been broken, and all the evidence seemed to have been erased.

Nianxin has no impression of who this person is. She was held hostage on the way back. The whole person was ignorant. In the past few days, the bruises on her body have not disappeared. It can be seen that the violence at that time How cruel people are to her.

Because the process was too painful for Nian Xin, Li Hengzhi was dare not to let her think about it again, so there were fewer clues about that person.

This is why he would let Bai Yujing go to investigate, because he couldn't find it if he was so close. After so many years, what could he find out even if he checked?

It would be great if it was really found out, he also had to break his neck by himself!

However, even so, Nian Xin's spirit was greatly affected by the events at the time. For a long time, she often wanted to seek death. Li Hengzhi had been watching her, unable to find a moment of free time.

Later, I found psychological counseling for her, and slowly guided her until...

The child was discovered a month later.

This child, he chose Bao.

At that time, Nianxin’s physical state and mental state were particularly bad. She was rescued from death several times and had already caused great damage to her body. If she had a baby, it would only make her physical state worse. The doctor said that the flow of people was right. The injury to the human body was very serious. Judging from her frailty, the root cause of the disease was still a small matter. Seriously, she might not be able to have a baby again.

what does this mean?

He can only choose to have a baby, so that she can take care of her body while raising her baby.

Fortunately, he has enough financial resources to allow Nianxin to get the best treatment and fetus. After the baby is born, he will definitely find a way to help her keep Jiang Chuan from knowing it.

All in all, as long as you step through these difficulties before you, the rest will be nothing.

After Nianxin knew that she was pregnant, her mood began to change.

She hates the person who hurt her, but how innocent is the child? She did not sprinkle resentment on her child because of her own experience. On the contrary, she regarded the child as the continuation of her life and named it Weiyang.

Weiyang means unfinished.

Later, the child was raised by Li Hengzhi. Nianxin was born wise. After learning some introductory lessons by herself, it only took half the time of others to go to Mohai and then graduated.

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