You For Eternity

Chapter 921: Young Master is a guest with us (10)

One of them shook his head and replied: "We watched them enter here, Brother Yan, this is not a place where we can forcefully enter. I am afraid that the second master can't help it, only to see if the fourth master has a way out."

Zhan Yan looked up at where they were and understood.


It turned out to be the embassy of another country in Haicheng.

But Chu Chu didn't care where it was, he didn't wait for Zhan Yan to stop him, he wanted to rush in.

Of course, she was stopped outside by security guards carrying live ammunition.

Individuals are tall, many times taller than Chuchu. They can speak simple Mandarin: "No entry."

"My son is inside!"

Several people were expressionless, standing there unmoved like a copper wall and iron wall, indestructible.

Seeing that the situation was not simple, Zhan Yan was afraid of misunderstandings due to their language barriers, and conflicts would not be good, so he stepped forward to stop him: "Madam, you still have to call Siye first."

After all, Haicheng is the fourth master's site, even if there is an access control today, it shouldn't be difficult for him to enter.

Chu Chu was constantly angry and worried, and grabbed Zhan Yan's gun and pointed at one of them, saying in English, "Let your heads come out!"

When Chu Chu fired his guns, they were all well-trained soldiers, and they raised their guns at them at the fastest speed. As a result, the people on Zhanyan's side also raised their guns, and the two personnel were in a deadlock.

"Madam!" Zhan Yan became nervous.

Invading the embassy by force is no small matter!

A subordinate walked to Zhan Yan's side and said, "Brother Yan, you can't force the attack...Should you notify the second master first?"

"……and many more."

It seems that someone in charge has come out.

A man in a suit came out and ordered them to put down their guns. He could speak fluent Mandarin: "You are Miss Qianchuchu."

Chu Chu was not surprised that they knew who they were. They could kidnap Qian Yi, but still wonder who she is?

"Where is my son?"

"Young Master is here as a guest. If Miss Qian Chuchu wants to meet, just let me come."

Chu Chu returned the gun to Zhan Yan, and went in without hesitation. But Zhan Yan was stopped by him: "She can only go in, you can't."

"Madam... or wait for support first."

Can't be taken away by a little fourth master, and then compensate Mrs. Li!

However, Chu Chu didn't want to wait anymore. She would also go to Longtan Tiger Cave. How scared should Qianyi be alone?

"Zhan Yan, wait for your support here, I'll go in."

Zhan Yan had no choice but to stand outside with his men and asked one of them: "You take a few brothers to the back door and guard."

The Fourth Master was not in Haicheng, so Zhan Yan still reported the matter to his second master and awaited arrangements.


Qianyi recognized this as the embassy, ​​solemnly, since he was kidnapped and got into the car, he has not cried or screamed, a face with a paralyzed face, a good interpretation of what it means to have no joy or no sadness.

The few men in black who had brought him just now stood around him, looking at him as if they were afraid that he would run away, and attached great importance to them.

Qianyi smiled and said, "Uncles, I'm just a child, and I can't fly or run."

They are like wooden people, motionless, without squinting.

"Oh, I don't understand..." Qianyi drank a drink leisurely, and asked in a different language, "Which of you can speak English? Or French?"

No one answered.

Qianyi shrugged: "That's no way, and I don't know your language."

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