You For Eternity

Chapter 922: Accidentally married into the royal family (1)

No one chatted with him, and no one came to tell him what to do. Qianyi felt a little bored, so she turned on the TV in front of him and watched while eating.

At this time, a person came in the room, who looked different from those who tied him, so Qianyi said: "Are you the boss who tied me?"

The visitor was startled at first, then turned around and asked several people in black next to him in their language.

It's better to face Qianyishi's expressionless face, Qianyi glanced secretly, and found that the few people had lowered their heads in horror, and whispered something.

Even if the newcomer is not a big boss, it must be their superior. You can raise your hand and slap one of them, and the others slapped themselves when they saw it.


Qianyi thought as a melon-eater, it was fun...

What plot is this?

After the man had taught them, he turned around and bent over to Qianyi, and said respectfully: "It frightened the young master. I didn't tell you to be careful. I asked the young master to come back, not tied."

"Huh?" Qianyi blinked and looked at him, "Don't you tie me? I thought you tied me for money, after all, my father is very rich."

The man had no joy or anger on his face, did not show his thoughts, but in his heart he was thinking, does he really think so?

I didn't know the situation when I first came, but now I know that they kidnapped him. Such a small child was suddenly kidnapped by a stranger to this strange place. He didn't cry or make trouble, and he didn't look scared.

What a momentum this is...

The temperament that exudes from him is really like...

He didn't do anything yet, and he believed half of the child's blood.

"So, who'please' me come here? My identity seems unusual."

"it's me."

When another person came in, everyone here respectfully lowered their posture. Behind the tall person, there were several black-clothed bodyguards who looked unusual.

This familiar feeling...

Qianyi frowned slightly, and the appearance of a human was reflected in those ice blue eyes.

Tall, majestic, and full of momentum, Qianyi stared at him in a daze, without turning his eyes, not afraid, just this feeling...

Is it too familiar?

The person just raised his head slightly, looking at this scene a bit dazed.

This child has been able to look at each other for so long... as expected of the same blood.

Suddenly, a face flashed in Qianyi's mind, and this feeling instantly matched.

He understands where he is familiar!

He walked to the opposite of Qianyi and sat down, and looked at the little guy in front of him for a long time, "Your name is Qianyi."

"You are..." QianHaban asked with certain doubt, "Are you my father's father?"

His grandpa!

If it is not wrong, this person must be the grandfather of his blood.

Those amber eyes looked extremely like.

They don't look very alike, but the feeling that emanates from them makes him feel that they are father and son.


Dad will be like Grandpa after decades? In addition to being a little serious, it doesn't seem to be bad, full of momentum and temperament.

Qianyi’s question is especially surprising to anyone who understands it.

"How did you know?"

"Guess it."

"That's great," he said, "do you know who I am? I mean, identity."

"Um..." Qianyi bulged and shook his head, "Then I don't know."

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