You For Eternity

Chapter 933: Infatuated with Sun Island (2)

Aunt Li paused, and continued: "If the child wants to register, he can only have our last name. Those people didn't even give him a name, and we gave him the name Hengzhi. What about Yunyan...I I won’t comment on her anymore. It’s good to the child, probably because those people gave me a lot of money. I don’t know if I treat this child as my own son or not.”

Chu Chu knew in his heart that there should be none.

She understood everything, and Li Hengzhi understood even more.

From the comparison between his relationship with his mother and the relationship with his uncle and aunt, he also knows that he prefers his uncle and aunt.

"What about Yunyan...because it's my sister-in-law, I can't say anything to her. Let's forget it, she chose this route by herself. She went to join other people's families at a young age, and could not persuade us. Just leave her alone. But where the blood is there, it can’t be broken if you really say it. She went to Jiangchuan later and didn’t bring Hengzhi over. He stayed at our house, but at that time, God Bless our family was still a child. , We have to take care of the two children, it is more difficult. Fortunately, Hengzhi is more obedient and sensible, and never troubles us.

"Hengzhi stayed in our house for more than ten years. We almost forgot that he was a child of someone else's family. He was only temporarily raised by us. Until one day, a group of people in black suddenly appeared in our house and said To take Hengzhi back. No way, Yunyan signed an agreement with them at the time, and they have the right to take Hengzhi away at any time. He was only thirteen years old at the time, and we concealed his origins from him, and he knew that he was actually It has nothing to do with our family. I cried and broke down at that time. I can't believe it... I looked so distressed at the time, so I kept telling him that my aunt never treated you as an outsider.

"Those strangers, everyone is scared. Hengzhi definitely didn't follow them, but he took him away abruptly. We didn't know what to do at the time. Call Yunyan. Yunyan can't help. She was busy, she didn't worry, she just said that it was normal to bring back the child who was originally someone else. It is indeed normal, but even if the pet is kept for a long time, she is not willing to leave, let alone a living person? My own child has been raised for so long, and he left all at once. I am left empty here, as if a good child was abducted by a trafficker. My uncle and I couldn't eat all day long, and I kept thinking about it.

"But there is no way, and I don’t know how they found it. Let’s just think about it. Even if the child goes back, he can call us, write a letter or something, but wait a day, a few days, until the end For several years, there was no news at all! It was as if this child had never been to our house. I even wondered if this child had been murdered? Your uncle said that I was talking nonsense, that was someone’s own child. Bring it back and kill it? Is that what people do? I don’t think it’s possible... But Hengzhi, where is this kind of ruthless and unrighteous person, who doesn’t give us any news?

"God keeps asking where my cousin is, and I can't answer. I have to pray to him every time I go to the temple, and ask the Bodhisattva to bless him. There should be ten years of no news. Suddenly one day, a tall man The big handsome boy came to our house and frightened us all. Hengzhi is back!"

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