You For Eternity

Chapter 934: Infatuated with Sun Island (3)

ten years? This is the ten years that aunt said?

Suddenly taken away by the Butler royal family, there was no news for ten years, and then came back?

Chu Chu suddenly remembered a detail, that is, when she talked about Nianxin, she asked him where he was when Nianxin suffered those injuries.

At that time, she thought he was just talking about Nianxin, so she was in a heavy mood. After he said "I'm not here," she didn't think much about it.

Now when I think about it, his absence is where he stayed during the ten years of disappearance, right?

"Is he in Butler these ten years?" Chu Chu asked.

Aunt Li shook her head and said with a sigh, "I don't know. He didn't say anything when he came back. There was only one sentence at the time. Uncle and Aunt, I came back. My feeling at the time was that it was a little different from the kids when I was young. , Became taciturn, he was obviously a big boy in his early twenties, but he didn't have the vigor that he should have at that age. But I later felt that he might just become mature. He was only a few years older than God You, and he was already there when he came back. The president of a company is his glory, slowly developing into the current glory group.

"Hengzhi didn’t mention where he went over the years, so we didn’t ask any more. I just wanted to come back. Until now, nothing happened. Hengzhi didn’t return to Butler. We only know his father. My mother should be a resident of Butler, and I guessed that it might be very powerful, but she wouldn't be close to the royal family... After so long, we have all regarded Hengzhi as our own people, how can we remember what Butler? Ah, I suddenly said it was Butler's prince... You see, I haven't gotten back up yet. After Heng...I really won't return to Butler?"

It can be seen that Aunt Li is really worried that he will leave Haicheng.

What a prince is not a prince has nothing to do with them.

"I don't know what will happen in the future." Chu Chu is also not sure.

Certainly not in a short time. The key lies in where he went and what he experienced during the time he disappeared.

and many more……

Chu Chu suddenly remembered something.

Didn't she meet him in Linshui when she was fourteen? Calculated by time, he was twenty-one at that time. According to his aunt, he was already twenty-three when he returned to Haicheng, so he had left Butler at least twenty-one, so why twenty-three Return to Haicheng at the age of?

"Where did he go without mentioning a word?"

"No... I was discussing with your uncle, and both thought it might be a bad life, so I refused to mention it, so we didn't ask. I thought you guys would talk about it usually, but he actually I didn't even tell you about my life..." Aunt Li grabbed Chu Chu's hand and said, "Chu Chu, I don't think it's easy. A person like Hengzhi dare not mention something, I'm afraid it is..."

"Auntie, don't worry, no matter what happens, I won't leave him behind."


Before boarding the plane, Chu Chu and Qianyi made a video. Even though they knew that Qianyi was very good, they still had to say a few more words, such as listening to her aunt's words.

It’s just that Chu Chu hadn’t spoken, so she was given the first opportunity by Qianyi. He just listened to the child’s serious face and said, "Qian Xiaotao, you have to listen to your father obediently, and don’t always get into trouble when you go out. It’s also a headache to find a way to shut you down in the dark room. Good deed, I will reward you when you come back.

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