You For Eternity

Chapter 935: Infatuated with Sun Island (4)


Wei Young also joined the excitement and said, "Auntie, you are obedient, and your obedient daughter will also give you rewards, okay! Uncle, don't be too fierce. Auntie was scared off, and Qianyi's brother has no mother. Mom, are you right?"

"Huh?" The named Nianxin slid across the chair, looked at the camera, and said with a smile, "Sister-in-law, you can take care of it, brother, take it easy, as you are, I can rest assured of you!"

Chu Chu silently turned off the video.

She seemed to worry a little too much!

Seeing that the time was almost up, I packed my bag and prepared to board the plane.

Li Hengzhi grabbed Chu Chu's hand and walked out of the VIP lounge.

"Huh? Isn't it this way?" Chu Chu asked strangely.

He seemed to hold her and didn't know where to go.

After a while, Chu Chu saw Li Tianyou and Gu Tong. He took Chu Chu and swayed past them, stopped, and said: "We are in the first class, we boarded the plane first, you will follow up later, don't lose it."

After speaking, the corner of his mouth twitched, and he grabbed Chu Chu's hand and went to board the plane.

Chu Chu looked back, Li Tianyou was stunned and cursed: "Damn! Capitalism is amazing! Humph!"

Chu Chu turned around and patted him: "You are too funny, right?"

"That means God is fun, and it won't work if you change someone else."

In this regard, Chu Chu wanted to ask God bless the little cousin's childhood shadow area?

In fact, it’s such a thing, but it’s not that. God forbids that it’s not that I can’t afford first class, but that the seats on this flight are already full, and it costs twice the price to change from other economy class customers. I got two tickets.

It is not easy for him to get Tongtong on the same flight as her~

But as Li Hengzhi said, it was God Bless that had such a reaction, and provided them with a day's laugh.

Thinking about his reaction just now, it was also funny.

Li Hengzhi and Chu Chu chose two positions by the window. Chu Chu sat inside. When the plane went into level flight, his movements were relatively free.

I got up a bit early in the morning, and now the aircraft engines were buzzing outside, like a lullaby, making her a little sleepy.

She leaned on Li Hengzhi's shoulder, squinted her eyes and said, "My matter what happens, I will stay with you."

Li Hengzhi blinked, raised his hand to touch her head, and kissed her hair: "Yeah."

"When do you want to find someone to share with you, just tell me, I will not force you, just like you were waiting for me."

"What if I don't say it all my life?"

He knew what she was talking about.

She seems to have known one or two.

But even so, he did not intend to split his heart.

Chu Chu was silent for a few seconds, raised his head, and looked at him: "Is it a really painful memory?"

"Forget it," he replied calmly, making people unable to guess what it was. "Chu Chu, there are some things I can't tell you. If you can, I hope you won't know it forever."

"..." That seemed to be his appeal.

Now his father appeared.

He had no other requirements, he only hoped that the people over there would not disturb their peaceful life, and at the same time, he also prayed that the things that have sunk to the bottom, let it sink to the bottom, and don't float up again.

After a long time, Chu Chu nodded.

He asked her to face the past bravely, tolerate her, protect her, **** her wounds, and let her heal slowly, but he was unwilling to cut herself open.

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