You For Eternity

Chapter 936: Infatuated with Sun Island (5)

He also had injuries, but he would rather lick the injuries by himself than let her take the burden together.

Either the wound was too deep and he could not uncover it; or the wound was poisonous and he didn't want to involve her.


It takes twelve hours to go from Haicheng to Sun Island. Qianyi counts from the time they get on the plane. Looking at the time, they calculate the approximate time they will reach Sun Island.

Once they arrive, they will call him.

When Nianxin goes out, she will leave both children in Xiaobai's ward.

The entire hospital is the safest place. After experiencing the experience of Qianyi being snatched yesterday, she has lingering fears, and now she dare not take the child out casually.

"10, 9, 8, 7..."

From the very beginning, Wei Young ran in circles in the ward, muttering words, not knowing what he was counting. Qianyi asked curiously: "Wei Young, what are you counting?"

"I'm waiting for Dad!" Wei Young said, not counting the time to say this sentence, "6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1..."

Hearing the word father, Bai Yujing raised his head and took a heavy breath.

Qianyi didn't pay attention to anything else, only sighed after Wei Young finished speaking, "Idiot Wei Young, you can't tell the good guys from the bad guys."

"Brother Qianyi is a good man! Xiaobai is a good man, and my father is a good man..." The little girl counted a circle before realizing, "Are there any bad people?"

Bai Yujing asked: "Am I not a bad person?"

Wei Young turned to look at him with a complicated expression. He was happy, sad, and confused. Finally, unable to judge, he asked Qianyi suspiciously: "Is Xiao Bai a bad person?"

"Of course not."

"Yeah! Then there are no bad guys!"

Bai Yujing shook his head helplessly.

No matter what, what good and bad people to talk to a three-year-old?

Such things as human minds, let alone children, can't even distinguish between adults.

Nianxin came back from outside and greeted Bai Yujing: "Then I will take Weiyang over."

"Yeah." He could only agree.

I don't want to see Xiaodudian look unhappy.

"Oh~~See dad~ Brother Qianyi, come with me to see dad!"

"Will Qianyi go?"

"……go with!"

He was going to see what the origin of the person who deceived Xiao Pang Yang was.

Nianxin and Weiyang went out first, Qianyi was about to leave and then returned. They went to Bai Yujing and said, "Uncle, don't worry, I will help you watch aunt and Xiaopangyang."

"Yeah." Bai Yu nodded at the scenic spot.

After a while, I felt that something was wrong.

Help look at Auntie?

What does this kid know?

This child from Li Heng's family, he has only observed for a short period of time, is really a manufacturable, too smart.

Thinking about it this way, I couldn't help thinking that Wei Young, a little girl with a thousand and one-half IQ, would not be fooled by Lan Ye.

But then I felt that Wei Young wasn't Wei Young anymore.


Qianyi and Nianxin sat on the sofa, watching Wei Young happily running towards Lan Ye with a cold face, and plunged into his arms.

Qianyi lifted Xiao Erlang's legs, held two small arms, raised his eyebrows and said, "Aunt, do you think this uncle has a very annoying face."

"Bingo!" Nianxin found her friend, and gave Qianyi a slap. "I said I wasn't alone!"

This is Lan Ye's first impression, Chou Weiyang doesn't know what to look for, but he feels handsome!

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