You For Eternity

Chapter 946: Infatuated with the Sun Island (15)

"En?" Li Tianyou did not expect that she would not sleep either.

She kept turning over, he just thought she might not sleep well.

"You didn't sleep either..."

"Neither do you."

"I seem to recognize the bed..." Gu Tong turned over, turned sideways, facing the direction of Li Tianyou's sofa, "I have been unable to sleep...Which one of you is not used to the sofa? Should we change it?"

She is so small that it is not a problem to turn around on the sofa.

I can't sleep, maybe there is a reason why it is a bit sad to let a big man of 1.8 meters squat on the sofa.

"No need, no, because I slept on a plane, I am not sleepy now."

Gu Tong didn't believe it very much.

They have all been on the plane for more than ten hours. They must be tired, and it is not because they are not sleepy. She is sleepy, but just can't sleep.

" can also come to bed to sleep? The bed is so big that you can sleep three people."

"...Are you serious?"

Invite men to sleep in the same bed, don’t know how dangerous it is?

Li Tianyou thought about this, and said with a smile: "Don't you know that the animal nature in a man's body will awaken at any time?"

"Will you be awakened when you wake up..." The biggest thing is that they really rolled out.

"What?" Li Tianyou didn't hear clearly.

"No! I mean, if you dare to get wild, I'll tie you up!" Gu Tong said with great momentum, "Come on, can people sleep on the sofa? Come here by yourself or me Are you pulling over?"

Seeing that she had to do it, Li Tianyou passed by himself in order to save each other's energy.

Gu Tong is on the right, and Li Tianyou is on the left, not to mention one person in the middle, there are two people!

But fortunately, maybe just now I was really worried that he could not sleep. After he went to bed, Gu Tong fell asleep. After this sleep, he slept comfortably until dawn.

"Da Bai..." Gu Tong muttered, muttering in his mouth.

She has a big white doll, about the same size as hers, and she usually puts it on the bed as a pillow. Sometimes the sleep is different, because the whole person is wrapped around the big white, like a koala.

At this time, her posture is undoubtedly the same.

One hand wrapped around Li Tianyou's creaky nest and hugged him, one foot tightly encircled his leg, and the whole person held him.

Li Tianyou had been observing Gu Tong for a long time, and her sudden action frightened him slightly, thinking she was awake. It turned out not to be.

She found a better position and hugged her to sleep.

After sleeping like this for about ten minutes, Gu Tong slowly opened his eyes.

What prompted her to wake up was because she felt that Da Bai's touch today seemed to be different, a bit hard, not as soft as usual.


When I opened my eyes, I saw Li Tianyou's face, and more importantly, he was staring at himself!

She looked around and realized that she was in Sun Island now, not in Haicheng's own broken apartment!

She and Li Tianyou slept in the same bed last night!

"Morning." Li Tianyou smiled and greeted her.

"..." Gu Tong was frightened, why did she hold him... why did she hold him!

She slowly shifted her eyes from her hands to her legs.

The structure of the yukata is that there are two straps in the middle, but below the strap...

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